


Feb2012 憲法

City recently opened a new central bus station. Within the central bus station, City has provided a large bulletin board that is available for free posting of documents. City requires that all free-posted documents be in both English and Spanish because City’s population is about equally divided between English- and Spanish-speaking people. 市は、中央バスステーション内に、自由に文書を掲示できる大きな掲示板を設置。市の人口は英語を話す人とスペイン語を話す人がほぼ同じ割合でいるため、市は自由に掲示できる文書はすべて英語とスペイン語の両方であることを要求。

City refused to allow the America for Americans Organization (AAO) to use the bulletin board because AAO sought to post a flyer describing itself in English only. The flyer stated that AAO’s primary goal is the restriction of immigration. The flyer also advised of the time and place of meetings and solicited memberships at $10 each. 市は、AAOが英語のみで自己紹介のチラシを掲示しようとしたため、掲示板の使用を拒否。このチラシには、AAOの主な目的が移民の制限であることが記載。このチラシには、AAOの主な目的は移民の制限であること、また、ミーティングの時間と場所が記載されており、1人10ドルの会員を募集。

Does City’s refusal to allow AAO to use the bulletin board violate the rights of AAO’s members under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Discuss.

ボールドのものは比較的思いつきやすいと思います。そう言うのは、IRACで書きます。そうでないもの(State Action, Overbreadth, Vagueness)辺りは、さらっと記載で良いです。時間がなければタイトルと結論だけでも。

- 論証のキーワードは、Organization’s Standing, Members have Standing, Purpose is related to the Claim, Members are not necessary to be a party to the lawsuitです。これらをパソコンにタイプしておきます。


論点:State Action

論点:Content Regulation - Strict Scrutiny
ルールは「necessary to achieve a compelling governmental interest」だけでもOKです。

論点:Time, Place, and Manner
Regulation (Intermediate Scrutiny)
→典型かつ重要な論点なので、厚く書きます。その際に、「Designated Public Forum or Non-Public Forum」も分けてあげましょう。
指定的パブリックフォーラムと非パブリックフォーラムで基準が違いますね。今回は、後者ですので、viewpoint-neutral and reasonably related to a legitimate governmental interest.です。ただ、これ覚えにくいので、他のIntermediateっぽい基準でも多分OKです。なんなら、「If the forum is non-public, the speech is entitled to  intermediate protection」でいいです。

論点:Overbreadth, Vagueness, Prior Restraint

論点:Commercial Speech
→この論点は、あまり問題がないので、あっさりでOK。簡単に盛り込めるので落とさないようにします。もっともあっさりさせるなら、ルールは「Commercial speech is entitled to intermediate protection」だけでもいいです。



1. Justiciability

Organizational Standing
An organization can sue on its own behalf or on behalf of members if (1) the member has standing to sue, and (2) the interest at stake is related to the organization’s purpose. Members are not necessary to be a party to the lawsuit.
, an individual member of AAO who would want to put flyers in English only would have standing to sue in his own right. The interest is related to the purpose of AAO because its primary goal is to restrict immigration and posting flyers in Spanish would be against its interest.
Thus, AAO has organizational standing to sue on behalf of its members.

For a controversy to be ripe for review, there must be a real injury.
Here, City refused to allow AAO to use the bulletin board for English-only posters, so AAO has experienced a real injury.

State Action
There is state action here because City is a state actor.




¥ 500
