LLMノート④ Contracts: Cases and Doctrine [Connected Casebook] (Aspen Casebook) 6th Edition
第4回 結果の回避可能性
Pages 110-119 3. Avoidability of Harm
Rockingham County v. Luten Bridge Co.
Richman excerpt (background on case)
Pages 119-126 Parker v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
Pages 131-138 R2K section 350
Neri v. Retail Marine Corp.
UCC sections 2-706, 2-708, 2-710, 2-718
Rockingham County v. Luten Bridge Co. P110 Avoidability
Rockingham County (D) contracted the Luten Bridge Co. (P) for the construction of a bridge. ロッキングハム郡(D)は、ルーテン・ブリッジ社(P)と契約。(P)に橋の建設を依頼した。
The Board of the County later declared that the contract was not valid and ordered P to stop construction of the bridge (decided not to build the road for which the bridge was needed). その後、郡の理事会は契約が有効でないと宣言し、Pに橋の建設を中止するよう命じた(橋が必要とされる道路を建設しないことを決定した)。
P continued construction on the bridge and sued D for breach of contract, requesting damages for work performed after D repudiated the contract. Pは橋の建設を続け、Dが契約を否認した後に行った作業に対する損害賠償を求めて、契約違反でDを訴えた。
Trial court awarded P damages for work performed after D repudiated contract Dが契約を破棄した後に行った作業に対する損害賠償をPに認めた
Appellate court reversed, holding that P had a duty to mitigate damages 控訴審では、Pには損害を軽減する義務があったとし、逆転した。
→ P should only be compensated for labor and materials expended until D breached contract (reliance interest) plus profits P would have realized (expectancy interest). Pは、Dが契約に違反するまでに費やした労働力と材料の対価(信頼利益)とPが実現したであろう利益(期待利益)のみを補償すべきである。
Rockingham County v. Luten Bridge Co. stands for the proposition that after an absolute repudiation or refusal by one party to a contract to perform, the other party cannot continue its performance and recover damages based on the performance.
Rather, the non-breaching party has a duty to mitigate damages, and may only recover damages for labor, materials, and expenses incurred while performing before the breaching party repudiates the contract.
Shirley Maclaine Parker v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.P120 avoidability
Shirley Maclaine Parker (P) was hired by Fox (D) to star in a musical. Fox later decided to not produce the musical, but offered Shirley Parker the lead in a western film シャーリー・マクレーン・パーカー(P)はフォックス(D)に雇われてミュージカルに出演した。その後、フォックスはミュージカルの制作を見送ることにしたが、シャーリー・パーカーに西部劇の主役をオファーした
→ Shirley Parker refused to be the lead in the western film and sued for the profits that she would have made in the musical contract.
While there is a duty to mitigate damages, Shirley Parker was not obligated to “mitigate damages” by accepting the role in the new film, which was not substantially similar to the original role. 損害を軽減する義務はあるが、シャーリー・パーカーは、当初の役柄と実質的に似ていない新しい映画の役柄を引き受けることで、「損害を軽減する」義務はなかった。
Court determined that the amount offered to Shirley in western role could not be used to offset the damages that Fox owed to Shirley for breaching the original contract. 裁判所は、西役でシャーリーに提示された金額は、フォックスが当初の契約に違反してシャーリーに支払うべき損害を相殺するために使用することはできないと判断した。
Shirley Maclaine Parker v. Fox stands for the proposition that projected earnings from other employment opportunities only offset damages if the employment is substantially similar to that of which the employee has been deprived. 他の雇用機会による予測収益が損害を相殺するのは、その雇用が従業員が奪われたものと実質的に類似している場合に限られる。
☜Comparable employment であるかどうかを判断するべきである。
§350. Avoidability as a limitation on damages
(1) Except as stated in Subsection (2), damages are not recoverable for loss that the injured party could have avoided without undue risk, burden or humiliation. 第(2)項に記載されている場合を除き、損害賠償は、損害を受けた当事者が過度の危険、 負担または屈辱を伴わずに回避することができた損失については回復することができない。
(2) The injured party is not precluded from recovery by the rule stated in Subsection (1) to the extent that he has made reasonable but unsuccessful efforts to avoid loss 損害を受けた当事者は、損失を回避するために合理的な努力をしたが成功しなかった場合には、(1)に記載された規則によって回復を妨げられない。
→ The non-breaching party has a duty to mitigate damages; may only recover damages to the extent that they made a reasonable attempt to avoid incurring additional losses. 違反していない当事者は、損害を軽減する義務を負っており、追加的な損失の発生を避けるために合理的な試みを行った範囲でのみ、損害を回復することができる。
Neri v. Retail Marine Corp. P132 avoidability
Neri (P) contracted to purchase a new boat from Retail Marine Corp. (D) for $12,587.40. Neri put down two deposits ($40 and $4,250) but was unable to consummate the transaction. Consequently, Neri requested that Retail Marine Corp. return his deposit. Retail Marine Corp. refused. ネリ(P)は、リテールマリン社(D)から新しいボートを12,587ドルで購入する契約をした。Neriは2つの手付金(40ドルと4,250ドル)を置いたが、取引を完了することができなかった。Neri氏はRetail Marine Corp.に手付金の返還を求めたが、Retail Marine Corp.はこれを拒否した。
→ P sued D to recover his deposit, and D countersued for lost profits ($2,579), incidental damages, and attorney’s fees Pは手付金の返還を求めてDを訴え、Dは逸失利益(2,579ドル)、付随的損害、弁護士費用を求めて反訴した
→ 4 months later, after D incurred $647 of costs for storage, upkeep, finance charges and insurance, D was able to sell the boat to another buyer for $12,587.40.
Court ultimately awarded the following amounts: 裁判所は最終的に以下の金額を認めた
P restitution of $4,250 + $40 = $4,250 (reduced by D’s lost profits and incidental damages) Pの返還金4,250ドル+40ドル=4,250ドル(Dの逸失利益と付随的損害で減額される
D awarded $2,579 for lost profits + incidental damages of $674(storage costs) = $3,253
Neri v. Retail Marine Corp. stands for the proposition that when a seller has the capacity to produce a large quantity of goods, the failure to make one sale due to buyer’s breach reduces the seller’s profits by the amount that would have accrued from the sale.
The seller has the obligation to resell this boat;
UCC 2-718(2)
☜Restitutionを得られる場合UCC 2-718(2)において、(a)(b)項が減額される。
UCC 2-718(3)