BBTAG Character Overview (made by Bojack) 日本語文字起こし:P4Uシリーズ編



the mechanics of the persona 4 arena cast is the ability to utilize their personas. personas cannot be push blocked and instead will send the user back. they also have access to a very long instant air dash which can be used to get back into pressure very quickly or it can be used to cross up the opponent in many situations.


Yu narukami is a mid-range monster with great pokes and push block safe pressure due to a large amount of persona normals. you convert many hits into either heavy corner carry or safe jump if you are already in the corner. his pressure and ability to keep the opponent in the defense is an incredibly powerful tool and not to be underestimated. the kingpin of steel has a lot of strong teams in 2.0 but the three i would recommend to you today would be adachi akihiko and susano'o. players to watch in 2.0 are TempestNYC, fame and dante thomas.

悠は素晴らしい差し合い能力と、ペルソナを用いた通常技によるリジェクトガード耐性を持つ固めができるミッドレンジ系の怪物です。運び能力も強烈で、既に端に到達しているなら詐欺飛びも可能です。彼の与えるプレッシャーと相手を防御させ続ける能力は大変強力であり、侮りがたいものです。鋼のシスコン番長はVer2.0において多くのパートナーに恵まれていますが、3人挙げるとするならば足立、明彦、スサノオになるでしょう。見るべきプレイヤーはTempestNYC,Fame,Dante Thomasになります。


yosuke is a high mobility rush down character with solid damage and mix up tools. he's able to convert most pressure or combo situations into good mix up. using his great air mobility and speed will make it hard for the opponent to catch him. characters to help yosuke run his game plan are going to be yu, adachi and wald. players lurking to (聞き取れず) character should watch vivian, gc yoshi and ReticentCactus.

陽介は高い機動力を持つラッシュダウン型のキャラクターで、十分な火力と崩し能力を持ちます。陽介はプレッシャー・コンボを狙える状況から強力な崩しを仕掛けることができます。また彼の空中機動力とスピードは相手に捕まえさせない動きができます。オススメのパートナーは悠、足立、ワレンシュタインです。見るべきプレイヤーはVivian,GC Yoshi,ReticentCactusになります。


Chie is a powerhouse of a brawler with great pressure and damage. she convert most of her opportunities into checkmate situations but with either dp safe combos or mix-up. if given the chance she could go into various power charge combos to delete a character from the game instantly. ruby adachi and yumi all synergize with the Satonaka style of kung fu. some Chie masters will be OmniScythe, NK_P, and dora bang.

千枝は素晴らしいプレッシャーとダメージ能力を持つ格闘系のエネルギッシュなキャラクターです。彼女はチャンスを活かせばリバーサル耐性を持つ起き攻めや崩しに移行でき、相手を詰みの状況に持っていくことができます。また彼女は様々なチャージコンボを持ち、相手を一瞬でダウンさせることもできます。ルビー、足立、雪泉は里中流カンフーに対して良いシナジーを発揮します。熟達していると考えるプレイヤーはOmniScythe,NK_P,Dora Bangになります。


yukiko is a zoner whose projectiles allow for high degree of user control
and whose fire level mechanic allow for her damage to go from low to incredibly high. her main game plan revolves around restricting the opponent's movement and gaining these fire levels eventually roasting the opponent in [one fatal swoop = suddenly]. she loses health as she gains fire
levels so managing her health and resources is especially vital for yukiko's game plan. teams that make good use of her assists and manage the offense well will be Nine, Waldstein and orie. players to watch in action are going to be Darkdes fujimura and four sword kirby.

雪子は多様な飛び道具が高度なコントロール力をもたらすゾーナーです。また彼女の火炎ゲージシステムは火力を素晴らしく向上させます。主となるゲームプランは相手の動きを制限し、火炎ゲージのレベルを上げて、相手を一瞬で丸焦げにすることを中心に考えます。火炎レベルを上げるために体力が犠牲になるため、体力とリソース管理は特に重要になります。ナイン、ワレンシュタイン、オリエは雪子のアシストを活用しやすく、攻めも良好なものにします。見るべきプレイヤーはDarkdes,Fujimura,Four sword Kirbyになります。


kanji is a grappler who can be a threat when he gets this party started. his
neutral is not very strong however use of cruel attack or 'Bet Ya Can't Take This!' can lead to some game-winning situations. rps is your best friend and greatest foe while using kanji. characters that can support kanji will be adachi, wald, and yu. players to bet on are going to be pun and done aka alex, nikku and Zankoku.

完二は一旦ペースを握れば相手を脅威に曝すことができる投げキャラです。ニュートラルはそこまで強くありませんが、バスタアタックと「耐えてみやがれ!」は勝ちに繋がる一手になりえます。完二を使うのであれば、コマンド投げを巡るじゃんけんはあなたの友であり、最大の敵となります。完二をサポートできるキャラクターは足立,ワレン,悠になります。見るべきプレイヤーはPun and Done(またの名をAlex),ニック,Zankokuになります。


teddy is a unique character who uses an item rotation to force the opponents
into very sticky situations. his neutral game is actually superb and he is able to establish incredible mix-up situations using bear screw sandwiches. players with good situational awareness and planning can make a fight into a very bad time for the opponent. characters that can get the circus going will be hilda, blake and adachi. the only masters of this character at this time are surumaiden and pizamayo.



Naoto Shirogane is a zoning style character with great defensive play between her traps and gun. she does have a good bit of rush down and great active switch options that can lead to unblockables. one of her defining traits is fate marks which is set up by your shotgun and it will allow for the opponent to be insta-killed whenever hit with a combo into hamaon or mudo'on. characters that are best suited at the detective side will be ruby vatista and merkava. players that players to observe are going to be dora bang, nezu and mystery racer.

白ナオトはトラップと銃を用いた防御寄りのプレイができるゾーニングタイプのキャラです。彼女はラッシュダウンも可能で、ガード不能連携が可能なアクティブチェンジ連携を持ちます。彼女を定義づけている特性として、運命カウンターがあり、これは付与した相手をムドオン、ハマオンで即死させることができます。相性のいいパートナーはルビー、バティスタ、メルカヴァです。観察すべきプレイヤーはDora Bang,ねず,MysteryRacerになります。


mitsuru is the queen of neutral and the mid game armed with that rapier. her pokes are some of the best in the game and her reward from them is incredibly powerful. with an assist to back her up, her mix-up is truly a 50-50 in most cases between an instant overhead or a fast low. characters that get to ride in the limo are akihiko yuzu and vatista. currently there are not too many mitsuru players however people that have shown her power in the past and are still good to look at for 1.5 footage are KYONOentremete, bace
and kyamei.



akihiko is an incredible brawler who has everything you could want out of his
archetype and more. his damage pressure mix-up frame data and neutral are all incredible along with some fantastic assists. he also uses cyclone levels to change some of his moves properties and do explosive damage. characters who set up for a one-two knockout are going to be mitsuru yumi, and wald.
players in the ring are going to be sethlolol, domi, and kyamei.



Aegis is a hybrid character between zoning and rush down that packs quite a
punch. she has a very unique mechanic which uses orgia gauge to glide into the opponent and create very strong high-low mix-up into great damage as well for her combos. partners who could put the opponent to long block stun are ideal to force her high low mix up. partners to set this up are going to be
adachi hyde and yu. players to look out for will be ReticentCactus, Yuzubo
and raich.



elizabeth is a slow mid-range character who loves to support from the back. her main form mix-up will come down from 2c and command throw after setting up thanatos. she has awakening state which once you get down to about 30 life it will enhance her specials and some of her assists. partners who synergize with her are nine, seth and isayoi. players to watch in action are going to be a wireless, RockVolnutt and Eshi.



labrys is a momentum based rush down character who could dish out tons of
damage very fast. she has unique mechanic in her axe levels which will increase her damage as she connects with more axe normals or will decrease her damage as she gets hit or just remains idle. partners to use with ladders will be susano'o ruby and yang. players to watch while using labrys
are duckator tectaleastside and prepre.



adachi is a trickster character with great approach options and strong zoning
tools. his consistent great damage at oki along with a progressive neutral game is top class. he also has a meta-defining zeodine which forces some of the greatest mix up in the game for many characters after an active switch. characters to partner up with are yu, ruby and yumi. players to watch and learn from are tempestNYC, bace and myself.




