DI4D 世界的フェイシャルパフォーマンスキャプチャーサービス制作会社 DI4D Worldwide Facial Performance Capture Services Production Company
EAの『FIFA』からアカデミー賞受賞作『ブレードランナー:2049』、最近では世界最大のゲームフランチャイズ『Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II』まで、長年にわたって素晴らしいプロジェクトに採用されています!
英国 グラスゴー Colin Urquhart,Founder and CEO
The World's Leading 4D Facial Performance Capture Service Provider
For over 20 years, we have pioneered the development and use of stereo photogrammetry for 3D and 4D facial capture.
We have transitioned from virtual cloning, to dimensional imaging, to DI4D, but our concept is to "bring animation to life".
It has been used in some of the greatest projects over the years, from EA's "FIFA" to the Academy Award-winning "Blade Runner: 2049" and most recently, the world's largest video game franchise, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II"!
Glasgow, UK Colin Urquhart,Founder and CEO
私はDA4Dの創業者CEOのコリンと申します。 フェイシャルパフォーマンスのキャプチャは、スーパーハイエンドを実現しました。これまでで最も大きなプロジェクトの1つである「Modern Warfare 2」では、4時間以上のの高忠実度モーションを作成しました。DA4Dが得意とするのは、ダブルキャラクターを追加で取得することです。My name is Colin and I am the founding CEO of DA4D. Capturing facial performance has reached super high end. One of our biggest projects to date was "Modern Warfare 2" where we created over 4 hours of high fidelity motion, and one of DA4D's specialties is the acquisition of additional double characters.
Based in the UK and USA, the company develops and provides high-resolution 3D facial image capture, 4D facial performance capture systems, and groundbreaking digital double creation software and services globally with partners in the entertainment and research fields.
Below is a collection of their work available on Youtube
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