
Hello, 2020!!

नमस्ते, 初めまして, Hello!!!

Happy new year!!

My new year started on an exciting note. I recently came to know that my company has started our first TV commercial. For everyone to be on the same page, first of all, I would like to briefly summarize what we do and what defines us.

"CrowdWorks", operated by our company, is Japan's largest crowdsourcing service that quickly matches clients who want to outsource work with workers who want to work as gig workers or freelancers. Our first TV commercial with this service has produced two types, “Too many jobs” and “Too fast jobs”, with the theme of “working style reform”.

[CM story]
The theme of this TV CM is “working style Reform”. The phrase implies that using CrowdWorks will make traditional work easier and as a result work style reforms can be realized. The stage is for small and medium-sized companies in 2020 where work style reforms are called for. The boss is worried about
how to proceed with "too much work" and "sudden work", who wants to say, "I have experience!" Played. It is a straightforward expression that CrowdWorks is a service that can promote work-style reform in
companies around the world.

[My thoughts]
I think this is a really good approach to work. If any company has fewer numbers of an employee and too much work still they wanted things to be done before deadline so at that time don’t burry yourself in extra work and please handover your extra works to us we will make sure to complete that work with the expert we have. So that people can have work-life balance and work will be done with expertise within time.






私はこれが仕事に対する本当に良いアプローチと考えています。 理由が2あり、一つ目は人々は次にワークライフバランスを持つことができ、二つ目は仕事を時間内に終える事が出来ます。

The short trip to Shirakawa-go


Holidays are as important as our daily work. Taking a break from busy work can help us focus more and can, in turn, increase productivity. Studies have proved that holidays can increase productivity and
help reduce the stress of employees. In Japan, most of the companies have year-end holidays for around
1 week. This year, I traveled to Kanagawa, Shirakawa-go with my friends. For those who don’t know
about Shirakawa-go’s Gassho-Zukuri Village is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 1995. I enjoy my trip where I explored Japanese traditional houses and new food. I would recommend this place but please make sure you will visit it in winter with snow it looks more beautiful. The following text best describes Shirakawa-go for more information please check out the following link. 



ふたつめは、私のお正月休みについてです。私にとって休日は日々の仕事と同じくらい重要です。 忙しい仕事から休憩を取ることで、集中力が高まり、生産性が向上します。 休暇が生産性を高め、従業員のストレスを軽減するのに役立つことはいろいろな研究により証明されています。 ちなみに日本では、ほとんどの企業が約1週間の年末年始を持っています。 今年は友達と白川郷に旅行しました。 日本の伝統的な家屋や新しい食べ物を探検した旅は本当に楽しいです。 私は間違いなくこの場所をお勧めしますが、雪がより美しく見える冬に訪れることを確認してください。 詳細については、次のリンクをご覧ください。白川郷の合掌造り村については、1995年12月にユネスコの世界遺産に登録されていることをご存じない方は、次のリンクを見てみてくださいね!

My goals for 2020

I have planned many things for this year, but I will try to summarize them here and hopefully, I will try to stick to them throughout this year.




Stay up to update on industry’s current trends:
 * Improve my proficiency in Human Resource Management
 * Search the best HR policies implemented in industries around the world and share those with my team
 * Share knowledge and improve our team-building.
 * Review existing HR policies and procedures for my company

 * HR領域のスキルをさらに向上させるために。
 * 世界中のHRトレンドをクラウドワークスに活かすために。
 * チームの皆さんにも共有して、皆さんにも知ってもらうために。
 * クラウドワークスの現状を理解するために、取り組んでいきたいと思います!

Implement training programs for a foreigner employee:
 * The training program is a great way to get everyone in your organization on the same page. Prepare training programs for new employees
 * Find out how employees learn best as you get to know them one-on-one.
 * Build an environment that makes employees feel comfortable asking questions and grow.

 * トレーニングプログラムは、全員を参加させる素晴らしい方法です。
 * 組織を同じページに配置します。 新入社員向けのトレーニングプログラム を準備する。
 * 従業員と1対1で知り合うときに、従業員がどのように最高の学習をするかを調べます。
 * 従業員が質問をしやすくなり、成長できる環境を構築します。

Improve my proficiency in the following skills:
 * Communication
 * Critical thinking
 * Teambuilding
 * Creative thinking

 * コミュニケーションスキル
 * クリティカルシンキングスキル
 * チームビルディング
 * クリエイティブシンキングスキル

Explore new places in Japan:

Japan is a really beautiful country and I love to explore new places and talk with local people. Last week I visited Mt. Takao. While climbing the mountain I met a Japanese person who was around 60 years old living near the mountain. I was motivated by him as we talked about his motivation to climb the mountain. And I will try to explore as much as places.

I believe writing down what you want to do always adds clarity to thoughts. Whenever I feel I am diverting from goals I am going to use this article as a reference to remind myself about my goals. Please also share your thoughts on goals for 2020.


日本は本当に美しい国です。新しい場所を探検し、地元の人々と話すのが大好きです。 先週 高尾山に登っていた時、山の近くに住んでいる約60歳の日本人に会いました。 彼が山に登る動機について話したとき、ポジティブでとても元気な様子でした。




Be happy and healthy. 幸せで健康になります様に。:)
