Tomozo aka Tomoko Kevorkian in Collaboration with Hiroshi Watanabe,VJ HAJIME "COSMIC SOUL"DVD Project
楽曲の権利問題で世に出る事はなかったTomozo aka Tomoko Kevorkian のアートワークDVDをアップデートし、制作再始動費用の一部を募る為のプロジェクト
This is a project (hereinafter referred to as “ the project”) that Tomozo ak a Tomoko Kevorkian who handles the art work of Body&SOUL Kaito aka Hiroshi Wat anabe and VJ HAJIME produce an art DVD by their collaboration. The contents of the project are as follows.
Project Site
If you are interested in our ArtworkDVD. Please send me e-mail.
We can sell at Lowest : about 27 USD , 24 EUR. with paypal.
このプロジェクトに興味を持って頂きありがとうございます、VJ HAJIMEと申します。 およそ7年前から私がVJとして参加していたDJ FRANCOIS K.主宰のパーティー『deepspace』の東京公演でFRANCOISの好意と彼のプロモーターであるRyo Watanabeさんのご協力でペインティングアーティストのTomozo aka Tomoko Kevorkianさんと初めてコラボレーションを行いました。
deepspaceでコラボレーションを続けていた時に、当時WAVE MUSICの日本のディストリビューションレーベルから彼女のアートワークを用いたDVDを作ろうという話が持ち上がりました。
音源はレーベルからリリースされていたMIX CDを使用して作ったものの、DVDで楽曲を使用するとなるとMIX CDの音源とは別の契約が発生し、資金面での対応が困難になりました。
楽曲の担当はFRANCOISとRyo Watanabeさんのご意見、ご推薦を頂き、ドイツ最大のエレクトロニック・レーベルKompakt唯一の日本人アーティストとしてKaito名義の作品を発表する日本が誇るオリジネーターKaito aka Hiroshi Watanabeさんが行います。
Thank you very much for taking an interest in this project. I am VJ HAJIME. I and Tomozo aka Tomoko Kevorkian who is a painting artist, collaborated for t he first time at the party of “deepspace Tokyo tour” thrown by DJ FRANCOIS K. I have been joining the party as a VJ since 7 years ago and the collaboration was conducted by goodwill from DJ Francois K and cooperation from Ryo Watanabe who is a promotor of DJ Francois K.
When I and Tomozo collaborated continuously at deepspace, the idea was emerged to create an artwork DVD which uses her artwork from Japanese distribution la bel of WAVE MUSIC at that time.
So, we created a MIX CD from some resource that was released from a certain la bel. But if we used the music resource for the DVD, we had to make a different contract so it became to be difficult to use the music for the DVD due to fin ancial issue.
Then, the DVD was once completed but the activity of the label itself stopped and the DVD never released.
So, this time we will reproduce DVD that we could not release before, by updat ing her artwork. We will utilize cloud funding to create the DVD so we would l ike to ask your cooperation and donation.
Kaito aka Hiroshi Watanabe belongs to Kompakt that is one of the largest electronic labels in German and he is an only Japanese art ist of the label. He will handle the music of the project from the recommendat ion of FRANCOIS and Ryo Watanabe. He is also an originator and world-class art ist The money from your support will be used for the music resource and publicatio n charge for internet. Besides, Mr. Teruyuki Kobayashi and Niiyan who supported deepspace Tokyo tour, and Ms. Megumi Wakatsuki who is a translator for this message to the world wi ll work together for this project. Plus, the follow up and planning and manage ment is provided by diskunion. We would like to try our best to create the DVD and please enjoy it. Thank you very much.
Tomozo aka Tomoko Kevorkian ~アートワークを作る事になったきっかけ~ / The background of the collaboration with Tomozo’s artwork till now
Keith Haringの言葉に Every drawing is a performance and ritual.とあります。
The flow of the story to collaborate the artwork of Tomozo and VJ till now.
I have been believing that I have an ability of drawing ever since I had been admired of my drawing from the principal of a kindergarten when I was a child. I wished to be an illustrator or a comic artist in my teenage years. When I w as absorbed in my play with palette knife and paints on the paper as if I was a child, and my touch was born at that time.
Then, like a 3D dimension was born from a pigment and then I felt there were m any stories in it. The paper was supposed to be a trash but when my husband ca me back home and he was amazed to see it. Then he told me that he wanted to ha ve it if I throw away it.
After that my husband recommend to experiment more so I began to draw hundreds of paintings. In the meanwhile, it became to be my therapy. I just make a mot ion with my hand innocently without any purpose. There is a word “Every drawi ng is a performance and ritual.” by Keith Haring. Like this word, I just give out my emotion and energy that moment. As I was absorbed in drawing, I became an instrument of the gods of art. So, I decided to enjoy the condition, which the gods make me draw like that as much as I can.
Only the gods know the time when I stop. When I gaze at what I created after f inishing painting, I could see a variety of landscapes, dancers, movements and faces. And I feel it is really interesting that different people have differe nt look when they see my creations. For example, one Germany friend feels like seeing a German actor in my drawing. Take one more instance, when I see my cr eation, I feel like looking inside of the body in my drawing, but the other fe el like seeing the woods in the same drawing. Somebody say my painting seems t o be alive. So, if soul lives inside of my creations, there's nothing that cou ld make me happier than this. I also would be so happy if you just feel and po re my creations.