
Top 5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Daily Wellness

As per ayurvedic wisdom, one must have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Why is breakfast deemed to be the king of all three meals? As its name suggests, it is the breaking of a night-long fast. If your body is deprived of food for more than 8 hours, then it’s very important to break the colossally long fast with a healthy breakfast that is enriched with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. 
Ayurvedic herbs incorporate all the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and minerals naturally. Making these herbs a part of your dietary regimen becomes imperative. Considering the most versatile ingredients of ayurvedic herbs, it may be a tedious task to curate the most nutritious bunch. Here’s a list of five Ayurvedic Herbs for Daily Wellness. 
