
角膜移植の未来とその先にあるものFuture Of Corneal Transplant  


As an ophthalmologist, I must admit that corneal transplantation is not my primary area of expertise. However, sometimes being an outsider allows one to see things from a different perspective. In this piece, I would like to share my thoughts on the future of corneal transplantation and what lies beyond.




The goal of corneal transplantation has traditionally been to faithfully replicate the biological cornea and restore vision. However, this approach is merely an attempt to repair lost functionality rather than enhance vision itself. I believe that the future of corneal transplantation should not focus solely on replicating the biological cornea but rather on expanding and evolving human vision.

現在の角膜移植をやっている医師の大部分は、生体の模倣というゴールの見える目標に向かって日々精進している。しかし、私の考えははるかその先の∞の可能性を見ている。義手や義足が単なる身体の補助を超え、「Super Arm」「Super Leg」へと進化しているように、人工角膜も「Super Cornea」として生体角膜を超える機能を持たせることができるはずである。そのためには、従来の「生体模倣」という枠にとらわれず、視覚をより高度なものへと進化させる方向へシフトすべきである。

Most corneal transplant surgeons today strive toward the well-defined goal of replicating the biological cornea. However, I see an infinite realm of possibilities beyond that. Just as prosthetic arms and legs have evolved beyond mere replacements to become "Super Arms" and "Super Legs," artificial corneas must advance into "Super Cornea"—a device that surpasses the capabilities of the natural cornea. To achieve this, we must move beyond the constraints of biological mimicry and focus on enhancing human vision in unprecedented ways.


Looking at the history of aviation, humanity initially attempted to fly by mimicking the flapping of birds' wings. However, such an approach lacked the necessary thrust and was limited by aerodynamic inefficiencies, making sustained and high-speed flight impossible. Had we remained fixated on imitating birds, modern aviation as we know it—long-distance travel, supersonic flight, and global connectivity—would never have been realized. Instead, by embracing new technologies such as fixed wings and jet propulsion, we achieved flight capabilities that far surpass those of birds. Similarly, artificial cornea development should not be restricted to merely replicating the biological cornea but should instead aim to evolve human vision beyond its natural limits.

未来の人工角膜、すなわち「Super Cornea」は、以下の3つの方向で発展するべきだと考える。

The future of artificial corneas, or "Super Cornea," should develop in the following three directions:

  1. 光学的性能の拡張 | Expansion of Optical Capabilities

    • 望遠・マクロ機能を備えた「超視力」 | Enhanced vision with zoom and macro functions

    • オートフォーカス機能による瞬時のピント調整 | Instantaneous autofocus capabilities

    • 可視光以外の波長(赤外線・紫外線)の視覚化 | Visualization of infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths

  2. 情報インターフェースとしての統合 | Integration as an Information Interface

    • AIを統合し、リアルタイムで情報解析が可能な「知的視覚」 | AI-assisted intelligent vision for real-time data analysis

    • 拡張現実(AR)を利用し、視界にデジタル情報を重ねる | Augmented reality (AR) overlays for enhanced situational awareness

    • リアルタイム翻訳機能を統合し、世界中の言語を視覚的に理解 | Real-time translation functions enabling direct visual language comprehension

  3. 脳神経との直接接続 | Direct Connection to Neural Systems

    • 視神経とデバイスを接続し、脳波による視覚カスタマイズ | Neural integration allowing brainwave-controlled visual customization

    • 視覚情報の記録・再生が可能な「デジタル視覚メモリ」 | Digital visual memory enabling recording and replay of visual experiences

    • 失明した人でも視覚をデジタル信号として認識可能な技術 | Technology allowing blind individuals to perceive vision through digital signals

By achieving these advancements, artificial corneas will not merely restore lost vision but will enhance human eyesight, providing new and unprecedented visual experiences.

This technological revolution could also transform refractive surgery. Just as cataract surgery has become a routine procedure performed on millions each year, corneal transplantation could similarly evolve into a common procedure for vision optimization. Unlike traditional corneal transplants, which are typically performed once in a lifetime, Super Cornea may introduce the concept of "upgradeable vision devices."

The future of corneal transplantation is not just about restoring vision—it is about evolving human sight itself. What lies beyond is the dawn of a new visual era, where humanity will perceive the world in ways never before imagined.
