私はずっとInfrastructure EngineerとBackend Engineerとして働いています。いろんな言語を使っていろんなウェブを作った経験があります。正しいの言葉が使いたいから、英語も付けっています。🤧
When we are talking about the web services, there are several different kinds of them.
ウェブはFrontendとBackend両方があります。ただ、Frontendだけのウェブ、例えば、阿部寛さんのホームページ(http://abehiroshi.la.coocan.jp/)はFrontendだけ作られます。一方、Frontendがいらないのウェブもあります、例えば今の天気情報を受けるのAPI(https://openweathermap.org/current このウェブではなく、hostしているAPIたちです)。でも世間のウェブは大体 Frontendと Backend両方を持っていますが、どっちが重いはビジネスケースによってです。そしてただ一つの言語、一つのFrameworkが一番いいとも言わないです、これもプロジェクトと開発者によってです。
The web is consist of Frontend and Backend. But sometimes some web only has Frontend, for example, the official website of Abe Hiroshi san, it could be made of just HTML and CSS. In the other hand, some APIs service such as the one could provide the weather information, does not need the graphic user interface at all. However, most of the web services which we are using have both Frontend and Backend, the balance is decided by what they're doing. And there's no one single programming language nor web framework could be perfect for making all kinds of web, and developers will use the one most suitable for the project and themselves.
I will introduce what we could do if we would like to set up some web.
一番目紹介したいのは私何年前触ったの超軽いpython web frameworkです。ここのシナリオは、例えば、チーム内部で何人が一つ簡単な画面あるのウェブが欲しい、少ないのデーターも保存したいです、でもこれを作るの時間が掛かりたくないです。
The first one I'd like to introduce is the one I used several year ago, a simple python web framework. The use case is for example a few people would like to have a web which has a simple page and could store a few data, and they want it to be setup quickly.
Then we could consider to use Flask, a simple python framework.
The python is installed on most of unix servers, so we don't have to set up the environment again, which sometimes would take plenty of time.
First, we need to install Flask.
pip install flask
Just open the terminal, type the command above, if you see some 'permission' error, put the 'sudo' in the beginning of the command, and input your password after press 'enter' key.
sudo pip install flask
Then create a new file with any name and in any place you prefer.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
if __name__ == "__main__":
But you could not name it to flask.py since the name has been already occupied in the beginning of the file.
The execute the command below in terminal.
python index.py
You could see some message like below. もしくは http://localhost:5000/ を見ると、"Hello, World!"という文字を見れます。
If you visit or http://localhost:5000/ , you could see the words 'Hello, World!'.
Now you have a very very very simple web.
Coming Next:
・How to make the page more beautiful
・How to store some simple data somewhere
Then we could move on to the next framework, maybe also next programming language🤨