
Experience life in 2050, when anyone can travel to space! SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 opens!

Hello! We are VeinWorks for Industrial Containers.
Today we have news about a future city model for the year 2050.

By Mynavi News, May 17, 2024

※ Image taken from Mynavi News

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024, an event to present the future city model of 2050 from Tokyo, opened on May 17.

They will be divided into themes such as MOVE, SHOP, WORK, LEARN, LIVE, and PLAY, allowing visitors to experience future mobility, ways of working, and living.

Also on display are 360-degree images and vibrating devices to experience space travel in a space elevator, assistive suits, automatic tracking robots, and other robot technologies that will support future lifestyles.

It will be interesting to experience what life style will be like in the future!
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