【特別対談 #1】Vegetable Record × SINRA FURNITURE 2021.05.16
写真左よりSINRA FURNITURE代表・職人の坂本拓磨氏、Vegetable RecordのSyotaro Hayashi、Vegetable RecordのRyota Mikami。
音楽レーベル「Vegetable Record」の共同代表兼アーティスト、Syotaro HayashiとRyota Mikamiによる「音楽を使った空間デザイン」「サイトスペシフィックミュージック」などについての特別対談。
Photo:SINRA FURNITURE's representative, Takuma Sakamoto (Left) , Vegetable Record's Syotaro Hayashi (Center) and Ryota Mikami (Right).
Vegetable Record's special interview about "Spatial Design Using Music" and "Site-specific Music".
第1回目は無垢材オーダー家具のブランド「SINRA FURNITURE」の店内音楽「Song for SINRA FURNITURE」について、代表の坂本さんとお話しました。
The 1st interview is about "Song for SINRA FURNITURE" for the shop of furniture brand "SINRA FURNITURE" with Takuma Sakamoto who representative of the brand.
SINRA FURNITURE / シンラファニチャー 主に国産の広葉樹を無垢材として使用し家具の製作を行っているブランド。出来る限り化学製品を使用せず自然素材を選び、暮らしに馴染む普遍的な美しさと、手間を惜しまない堅牢なものづくりを追求し、末永く愛され続ける家具を作っている。2021年4月、渋谷区宇田川町にショールームをオープン。
Vegetable Record / ベジタブルレコード 「音楽の新しい楽しみ方・価値観を創る」をコンセプトに掲げた、音楽レーベル。林翔太郎と三上僚太により設立。楽曲を空間やプロダクトなどを構成する「自立したひとつの要素」として制作し、その時/場所/物でしか成り立たない音楽「サイトスペシフィック・ミュージック」を目指している。「ONSEN RYOKAN YUEN SHINJUKU」の館内音楽、専門店と共同制作した「音楽付きコーヒー豆」「音楽付きビール」など、他多数。ワークショップやライブ、インスタレーションも多数開催。
三上:今日は特別対談の第1回目ということで、無垢材オーダー家具のブランド「SINRA FURNITURE」の店内音楽「Song for SINRA FURNITURE」について、代表の坂本さんとお話したいと思います。本日はよろしくお願いいたします。
Mikami:Today is the first special interview of Vegetable Record, we'd like to talk about "Song for SINRA FURNITURE" with Takuma Sakamoto. Thank you for your time.
Hayashi / Sakamoto:Thank you.
三上:早速なんですけど、ブランド「SINRA FURNITURE」とこちらのショップについてご紹介いただければと思います。
坂本:SINRA FURNITUREは国産の木を使った家具屋で、ハンドメイドで高品質の家具を作っています。木の他にも革ですとか、椅子の座面の籐のような自然素材を使って家具作りをしています。
Mikami:OK, so could you tell us about "SINRA FURNITURE" and this shop?
Sakamoto:SINRA FURNITURE is a furniture brand that uses domestic wood, to make high-quality handmade furniture. In addition to wood, I also make furniture using natural materials such as leather and rattan.
Sakamoto:At this shop, customers can see the furniture, based on the furniture placed here, there are various types of wood, such as which wood to make, and how to change the size according to the size of the room, here is a place for dialogue with customers.
Hayashi:Could you tell us how you requested us the music for the shop?
Sakamoto:Well, originally we know each other, and I knew what you make music for the shop and commercial facilities, when I started this shop, I asked Vegetable Record for music because I wanted to make it a nice space.
林:僕らのお店(2017年9月〜2019年3月まで元浅草にあった、Vegetable Recordの期間限定ショップ兼アトリエ)で一度、坂本さんと「音楽付きイス」「音楽付き靴べら」という、コラボレーションの企画でやったんですけど、あれは最初の展示なんですか?
Hayashi:At our shop (Vegetable Record's limited-shop and atelier in Asakusa from September 2017 to March 2019), collaboration with SINRA FURNITURE, we released "Chairs with Music" and "Shoehorns with Music", and held the installation. Was that the first exhibition?
Sakamo:Yes, almost the first time.
Hayashi:It's the first time you've done a collaboration project as an installation, right?
Sakamoto:Yes, that's right. What's more, it's really the first time for me an art-like and a bit edgy exhibition, and it was really fun.
Mikami:It's the first time for us to have such an extreme exhibition too. we were trying to expand "Something with Music" in various ways, so we thought it would be better to do it extremely. I made the songs with the theme of Shinra (Everything), for "Chair with Music" and "Shoehorn with Music", added the song the sound of a chainsaw, and the sound of a tree falling.
三上:今回の「Song for SINRA FURNITURE」の楽曲コンセプトも、そこから微妙に続いてるといえば続いてるんですけど、「森の中」「ささやき」「工房」をコンセプトに僕ら作っていて、森の中を歩き回るようなイメージを音楽で表現したっていう感じですね。
Mikami:The theme of "Song for SINRA FURNITURE" is a little closer to the previous song, but we made the song with the concepts "In the Forest", "Whisper" and "Studio", we expressed in music the image of walking around in the forest.
Hayashi:The production method this time is a technique we're doing a lot lately, we decided in advance only the key (tonality) of the music, and we made the song each separately, and mixed the finished songs without knowing each other's songs. We complete the song in that process. I think it's a very unique approach.
Mikami:Of course, we share a rough theme each other and make final adjustments like bumping sounds or too much sound, but we haven't fixed it so much and enjoy something like chance.
Sakamoto:It's perfectly in sync. You two have a long relationship.
Mikami:The part of the song I made, I used a marimba, an electric guitar, an electric piano, a keyboard, an acoustic piano, and so on. It's like an endless atmosphere of trees or walking in a forest where you can't see the other side. This time, I made the song like that.
Hayashi:My part is an element of nature, the sound of the wind, the barking of birds and the buzz of trees, I thought it would be interesting to express all that with a synthesizer like an onomatopoeia. Also, I used an acoustic guitar. It's like the furniture in this shop was made from a forest made of our music.
Hayashi:Finally, how was it to play our music in the shop? If there is a reaction from the customer.
Sakamoto:There is no reaction from customers, but I think that's ok, because I didn't like music that would distract customers who were considering furniture in this shop. I felt that you two made the music with a focus on spacial design. Actually the atmosphere of the shop has changed a lot after playing the song.
Sakamoto:It's a relaxed atmosphere, but it's a little tense, also, the song atmosphere sometimes changes and some uplifting feelings, so it's a great. When you first come to the shop, I told you only that the song I want is like in the forest, and a little relaxed atmosphere, but the song was exactly what I imagined, so I thought you two was a professional.
Mikami:Thank you very much. When we make this kind of shop music, we sometimes aim for something between "Background Music" and "Popular Music", also environmental sounds (outside the shop) come into the song, I think "Song for SINRA FURNITURE" has become a Site-specific Music unique to this place.
三上:SINRA FURNITUREの発信は主にInstagramですか?
Mikami:For more information on SINRA FURNITURE, mainly on Instagram?
Sakamoto:That's right. The shop is a reservation system now on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00 without reservation.
Mikami:I hope everyone will come. Thank you for your time today.
Sakamoto / Hayashi: Thank you.
<2021年5月16日 SINRA FURNITUREにて>
撮影:工藤 葵/写真家