【ModularSynthesiser】 17 浅岡雄也 ( uyax_asaoka / uyax ) 2023年1月4日 09:07 これを買った、とですが。電源ドッチに繋ぐか書いて無くて(PDF)Qu-Bit Electronix BLOOM フラクタル シーケンサーBloom is a fractal sequencer capable of generating infinitely evolving melodies with a host of musical features.At its core is a powerful 32 step sequencer with two independent channels and an intuitive interface. What makes the Bloom come alive are its fractal algorithms which can transform existing sequences into powerful melodies, or even generate new patterns altogether. The base sequence is known as the Trunk and can be programmed by hand, or automatically generated with the Mutate function. Once a Trunk sequence is in place, fractal transformations are only a knob turn away by using the Branch and path controls. Each new Branch adds a complete variation to the base sequence and Path determines its passage through the set of recursively generated sub-sequences, offering a unique take on the melody with each turn of the knob.Bring your sequencing to life with Bloom.Fractal sequencerInfinitely evolving melodiesTwo independent channels32 steps per channel for base sequence, 256 steps for generated sequencesRatchets, per step slew, quantized output, and transpose control8 pattern locations w/ save, load, copy, and erase functionalityhttps://www.boutiquepedalnyc.com/product/1945 ケーブル繋ぎ方失敗したら 機材死にますよね?↑ QBの裏ねA:恐らくコチラ?この向きで刺していいのか?B:12v表示下にあるけど、こっち向きで刺していいのか?ちょっと謎なので写真の A/B どっちだか、教えて欲しいですModularクラスタの皆様。----------------------------最終的に以下LINE UPで攻めたい次第です。この感じどでしょか?でかめの写真(笑どうぞご教授、宜しくお願い致します! (((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル ダウンロード copy いいなと思ったら応援しよう! #浅岡雄也 www.uyax.jp https://twitter.com/uyax_asaoka https://www.instagram.com/uyax_asaoka/ https://www.facebook.com/uyaxasaoka チップで応援する #日記 #写真 #皆様 #浅岡雄也 #令和5年 #クラスタ #modular #uy54th #浅岡雄也54歳になるってよ #機材死 #方失敗 #Modularシンセ 17