Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson16
11th June 2022
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson16
(Guide-mark in Kanji letter)
“Kanji is very difficult for us. Sometimes it looks like a UFO`s signal letters. Alas, It`s very mysterious and complicated!! No hope to come closer (=touch) to them.”
Maybe Foreigners feel so, I guess.
But Kanji has rules.
Already I have explained.
1. Outlooks or shapes from nature.
2. Reading ways 2, one is from China, and another is Japan proper pronunciation.
3. They have writing order (stroke order)
4. And today`s subject: Kanji has inside somewhere guide-mark for showing what`s the matter concerning to, surely, certainly.
Guide-marks we have total 7 fields.
1. へん(hen means knitting)=left side located Kanji itself.
にんべん(ninben=means person)mark is “亻”kanji sample“住(=means resident)”
きへん(kihen=means tree)mark is “木” kanji sample”柱(=means column, post, pillar)”
ひへん(hihen=means fire)) mark is”火” kanji sample “燃(=means burning)”
Below like uppers the same but each field samples different.
2. つくり(tsukuri means besides)=right side located Kanji itself
3. かんむり(kanmuri means crown)=upside located Kanji itself
4. あし(ashi means foot)=bottom side located Kanji itself
5. にょう(nyou means foot on running)=from left side to bottom side running or inserting
6. たれ(tare means hung down)=from upside to left side hung down
7. かまえ(kamae means defensive fence)=surrounding Kanji itself
From next time we will explain each one in each field.
But you no need memorizing all, above.
Once more again, ”but”, plz image the showed Kanji what kind of field(or matter) mentions.
Today is guidance only.
Thank you.