
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson30

23rd June 2022 2nd article
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson30
(One shot phrase in Japanese language 2)
●Omoshiroi Janeeka. Yatte moraouja neeka=おもしれぇじゃねぇか。やってもらぁおぅじゃねぇか=Oh, it`s fantastic announcement!! Plz try it, have done it!! Show me, plz. I‘ll check you!! Hope let me check you!!
●Ite komashitaro ka?=イテ、こましたろかぁ?=Won`t I push the special into you?
●Anata dake ga ikigai nano!!=貴方だけが生き甲斐なの!!=You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!!
●Waratteru baaikayo?(Waratteru baai janeedaro!!) =笑ってる場合かよ?(笑ってる場合じゃねぇだろ!!) = No, the time for laughing, such now!! Don`t you think, so?
●Teme-e, kenka utten-nokayo?=てめぇ、喧嘩売ってんのかよ?=Hey you guy, You want (to)fight with me?
●Gaki wa hikkondero!!=ガキは引っ込んでぃろ!!=Hey kids, go back to your Mom!!
●Kane no kireme ga En no kireme, kaaa!!=金の切れ目が縁の切れ目、かぁ~!!=Money out, Love out!! Sigh!!
●Kao aratte denaoshite koi!!=顔洗って、出直して来い!!=Go back, wash your face!! (=Come back after your face washed up!!)
●Moo, kaettekun na!!=もう帰っ来んな!!=No come return anymore!!
●Iyayo, iyayo wa iino uchi=いやヨ、いやよはいいの内=Her ”No, no” is target inside.
●Teishu genki de rusu ga ii=亭主、ゲンキで留守がいい=Husband, body condition fine, and he is always absent, more better!! (wife`s top secret comment)
●Binbou hima nashi, Kasegu ni oitsuku binbou nashi=貧乏暇なし。稼ぐに追いつく貧乏なし=Poverty has no leisure, but No poverty catch up to get earnings.
●Nai nai zukushi=無い無い尽くし=Full less situation(ex. Money less, woman less, Loaning only has, like this)
●Son shite Toku tore=損して得取れ=Take a loss first, for to get the fortune later.
●Makeru ga kachi=負けるが勝ち=Give a seat, will get a sofa.
●Mateba kairono Hiyori ari=待てば海路の日和あり=Stand by, will soon come good weather for shipping( No need in panic, calm down)
●Waratte gomakase Jibunno shippai, akumade nonoshire tanninno shippai=笑ってごまかせ自分の失敗、飽くまで罵れ他人の失敗=My mistake, gone with a fog of laughing, Others mistakes, no gone and scream by loud voices endlessly (ex. Japanese boss`s typical behavior!! Me myself, Japanese boss. Black joke)
●Dotte koto nai yo, kini sunna=どってことないよ。気にすんな=Not so problem, don`t mind!!

