
(It`s a English. Our side language English Ⅱ “Dokkaan” )

6th July 2022
(It`s a English. Our side language English Ⅱ “Dokkaan” )
Important matter is that in Japan society Onomatopoeia is used not only concerning to nature(creature) field but also used on human activities.
Nature: dog Bow wow (in English)
Wan wan (in Japanese)
Human activity: (in English) Boss got angry like a explosion of bomb.
(in Japanese Rooma ji style) Bosu ga Dokkaan to ikari wo bakuhatsu saseta.
(in Japanese Hiragana & Katakana style)ボスが「ドッカーン」といかりをばくはつさせた。
(in Japanese Kanji mixed)ボスが「ドッカーン」と怒りを爆発させた。
Thus “Dokkaan” means the sound of anger.
If you hear this “Dokkaan” contained phrase, and even if you no can understand other words,
it`s better to pay attention concerning to your current around situation.
We Japanese people use such a onomatopoeia in our conversation phrases.
Then we recommend you foreigners to memorize Japanese onomatopoeia phrases especially concerning to human activities.
Thank you.

