Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson17
12th June 2022
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson17
(イ=ninben=hito-hen`s kanji samples)
On the previous article, we showed the guidance and outline of Kanji 7 fields.
Then from today, let`s start to check each field of Kanji.
At the first, Hen(=へん=篇)located the left side of Kanji it self
In the “hen” field, so many different “hen” types(items) It`s very a lot of.
Then I`ll show you main items only to avoid confusing.
1.”イ” (Ninben=hito-hen=relevant to human`s matter)
Before starting lecture, will give sub-info to you.
“亻”`s origin is “人”(hito=human)
The shape of “人” shows humans support to each other. Left side (ノ)of this kanji”人” is one human. Right side(\)is the other. Left side human and Right side human support to each other, the shape.
Ex)●住む(sumu=to live in)right part of this kanji”主”means “owner”.
Then this kanji`s main message is “human is owner=to live in” the same.
●働く(hataraku=to work)right part of this kanji”動”means “move or move something”.
Then this kanji`s main message is ”human moves or moves their hands and body=to work, no move or no move them, only by mouth moving is not to work” the same.
●仲(naka=friendship nearly equal) right part of this kanji”中”means “center or inside”
Then this kanji`s main message is “friendship is main center” or “human relations inside the circle”.
●侍=サムライ(samurai=ancient Japanese knight)right part of this kanji“寺”means “Buddhism style Temple”
Because in the ancient era, samurai belonged to temples as a bodyguards hired by temples.
亻(ninben)kanji, many, many others we have. But it`s too much enough overworks for you, I guess.
Then today`s lecture I`ll stop here.
On the next lecture, will show you ”木”(kihen=relevant to tree or wood)
Thank you.