Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson18
13th June 2022
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson18
(木=kihen`s kanji samples)
On the former article, we showed the guidance and outline of Kanji 7 fields.
Yesterday, in the 1st field, “亻”(=ninben=hito-hen=relevant to human)
Today, in the same 1st field, next item “木”(=kihen=relevant to tree or wood)
1.The shape of “木” is horizontal line shows land and under the line roots and more further above the line tree itselt.
Ex)●柱(hashira=to column, post, pillar)right part of this kanji”主”means “main”.
Then this kanji`s message is “main woods for keeping construction of house”.
●村(mura=to village)right part of this kanji”寸”means “unit of length=short length=nearby residents”.
●板(ita=board) right part of this kanji”反”means “unit of thin material, for example fabric. Then thin wooden material”
●枯れる=(kareru=get dried)right part of this kanji”古”means “old or get aged”. Then to fall into aged condition, the same.
●様=(sama=calling way for Sir, Madam with respects) right part of this kanji”羊+求)means requiring sheep(=asset, fortune symbol).Then this is calling way for upper status, and the end of person`s name, we attach this “様”
木(kihen)kanji, many, many others we have. But it`s too much enough overworks for you, I guess.
Then today`s lecture I`ll stop here.
On the next lecture, will show you ”扌”(tehen=relevant to hand)
Thank you.