Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese Language lesson 4
29th May 2022
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese Language lesson 4
(Feel sympathized)
Japanese people sometimes say “In English learning, should memorize too many idioms. It`s very troublesome”
But from my observations, on Japanese people`s conversation, vasa versa too many Japanese idioms are used when Japanese talks to each other. For example, Kotowaza(ことわざ), Kakugen(かくげん), old person’s slangs, young person’s slangs, at the time slangs etc.like a secret code are full up.
Japanese sentences which foreigners learned about on Japanese language class anytime no come out.
Then sometimes Foreigners say
“About what are they speaking? “
“What, what, what?Is that Japanese language?”
Huum, alas. I feel sympathized to all of you, as a one of Japanese.