Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson20
15th June 2022
Utokyu`s Easily understandable & speakable Japanese language lesson20
(扌=tehen`s kanji samples)
On the former article, we showed the guidance and outline of Kanji 7 fields.
Yesterday, in the 1st field, “木”(=kihen= relevant to tree or wood)
Today, in the same 1st field, next item “扌”(=tehen=relevant to hand or using by hand)
1.The shape of “扌” is “手”(=hand)symbolized
Ex)●揉む(1momu=to massage)right part of this kanji”柔”means “soft”.
Then this kanji`s message is “to make it soften by hands”.
●拙い(mazui=be not skillful)right part of this kanji”出”means “to come(go) out”.
Then this kanji`s message is “a person is not skillful, therefore hand out for helping to not skillful person.
And the same pronouncing, different meaning one “mazui=不味い means “not tasty”
“味(aji)means “taste” and front one”不”means ”not”
●払う(harau=pay) right part of this kanji ”厶”means “swing or swing away”.
Then this kanji`s message is “swing coins or bills away by hand”
We don`t like payment, then we usually behave such a way., maybe.
Ex(okane wo))Ikura haraeba iino desuka?=(おかねを)いくらはらえばいいのですか?=(お金を)幾ら払えばいいのですか?=How much should I pay?
●技=(waza=tech or skill)right part of this kanji”支”means “support or assist”.
Then this kanji`s message is “a matter of supporting(assisting)by hand skill
●招く=(maneku=invite) right part of this kanji”召=刀(katana)+口(kuchi)”means “call with sward (bitter way)and by mouth(sweet way)”
Then this kanji`s message is “inviting by hand`s sign “please come to us””.
扌(tehen)kanji, many, many others we have also.
On the next lecture, will show you ”氵”(sanzui=mizuhen=relevant to water)
Thank you.