【8th ICCP】 Meetup in Nov.7
*English version follows:
On the 7th, there were 2 local students and 7 international students!
Self-Introductions and Free Talk
We first introduced ourselves, and talked about the academic fields we study and the differences in the credit systems between UTokyo and the international students' home universities. Many of the international students who participated on this day were studying computer science and were taking the same classes!
Card game
We then played a game of UNO. It was a simple game that everyone knew, but it was so exciting! It was interesting to see how the cards were called and the local rules we knew were different depending on the region we came from. There was a student who got so many +2s and +4s that the card count became very high... 👀
For dinner, we ate together at Cafe Vigore on the Komaba Campus! While enjoying the meal, we talked about the security in our respective hometowns and about English and Japanese slang! It was difficult but interesting to explain vocabulary that is not taught in school to people who do not know it. It was difficult but interesting to explain English vocabulary like “chill,” “cooked,” or Japanese slang “それな (sorena)” to people who do not know it.
It is not easy to learn unfamiliar slang in a language that is not your mother tongue unless you have an opportunity like this, so both local and international students seemed to enjoy talking about it!