etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. etcd gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure, including the leader.
Welcome to the temporary home of etcd! As a member of the CNCF family of projects, etcd will soon be getting its own home at etcd.io. Until that's ready, you can find the documentation for etcd here, and you can read about the move to the CNCF from us, from Red Hat, and from the CNCF.
URLとロゴからわかるように、etcdはCoreOSというコンテナに特化した軽量Linuxのプロジェクトの一部だが、CoreOSはRed Hatに買収され、etcdはCNCFにホストされる。
ところで入門監視ではetcdは「2.2.1 監視サービスのコンポーネント」でデータ収集のところに出てくる。etcdで、どうやってデータ収集するのか調べたところ、同じくCoreOSのプロダクトであるflannelが関係するようだ。
flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes. Platforms like Google's Kubernetes assume that each container (pod) has a unique, routable IP inside the cluster. The advantage of this model is that it reduces the complexity of doing port mapping.
Once you have pushed configuration JSON to etcd, you can start flanneld. If you published your config at the default location, you can start flanneld with no arguments. Flannel will acquire a subnet lease, configure its routes based on other leases in the overlay network and start routing packets. It will also monitor etcd for new members of the network and adjust the routes accordingly.