

AWS is making C++ and Rust runtimes available soon, and is also working with partners to provide more open source runtimes including: Erlang (Alert Logic), Elixir (Alert Logic), Cobol (Blu Age), N|Solid (NodeSource), and PHP (Stackery).


A good example is the aforementioned insurance use case where the backend system is probably an IBM mainframe or AS/400 that’s been in use for decades. These systems are often decades old, implemented in COBOL and have no APIs. The only access is through terminals (green screens).

ForbesのRPAに関する記事では古めかしいインタフェースの例としてCOBOLを紹介している。APIを持たず、緑色のターミナル画面だけが唯一のアクセス手段だ。余談だが最近のCOBOLはREST APIぐらい余裕で実装できるらしい。

Often referred to as "Amazing Grace" and the mother of computing, Hopper joined the U.S. Navy Reserve during World War II. She later worked on a team to develop the UNIVAC computer and convert mathematic code into language. That led to developing the first compiler in 1952, which led to the creation of COBOL. Carter said Hopper also wanted to be known for training men and women in the Navy.

「コンピューターの母」として知られるGrace Hopperがアメリカ海軍でUNIVACの開発に関わったあとに世界初のコンパイラを開発し、それが後のCOBOLとなった。この記事は、その功績をたたえて士官学校がホールの名前をHopper Hallと命名したことを伝えている。

