

More than a year after the world first saw the Eternal Blue exploit in action during the May 2017 WannaCry outbreak, we are still seeing unpatched machines in Asia being infected by malware that uses the exploit to spread.

WannaCryはEternalBlueというエクスプロイトと同じ方法で感染を広げるが、これと同じ方法で感染を広げるマルウェアをF-Secureがアジアで発見した。EternalBlueはWindowsのSMBの脆弱性を利用してDoublePulserというバックドアを送り込む手法だが、元はNSAによって開発されたとか、サポートが終了したWindows XPに対してもパッチ提供されたことも話題になった。

However, the most memorable issue that we encountered was that scanning tens of thousands of systems takes a long, long time. Vulnerability scans could take days to complete, in addition to hours or days longer to see results filtered into the console.


After the event was over, we saw firsthand the importance of moving toward an agent-based vulnerability management strategy in order to have real-time, actionable data. This incident was the trigger for our company to add the agent into your system build process.


