第一回のJavaOneが1996年だから、もう22年前のことである。今年からOracle CodeOneになったらしい。
PublicKeyで紹介されていたMark Reinholdの講演を原文で読んでみたいと思って探してみたら、そのものずばりではないが、packetというニュースサイトで見つかった。
The leaders who guide the development platform are not merely developers, who are only interested in writing code or developing new features; the true leaders are what Mark likes to call, “stewards”. These stewards are people who assume responsibility for overseeing and protecting something considered worth caring for and preserving.
MarkはJavaを牽引するリーダーをstewardと呼びたいらしい。日本語で執事、世話役などと訳される。「Java steward」で検索してみると、Eclipseという開発環境がEclipse Board of Stewardsという組織により運営されていた。Java本体というより、周辺で使われていたという感じか。
1.Deep Knowledge in at least one key area.2.Breadth of care across the platform: They think from time to time about the entire platform and how the whole thing fits together.3.Empathy: They have the ability to put themselves in the minds of ordinary developers who use the platform rather than work on the platform.
If you only participate in order to serve yourself or your employer’s narrow technical interests then you are unlikely to gain much influence. However, if you deliver a strong track record of consistent serious contributions over a long period of time, then your influence will grow quite large and you might even become a steward yourself.