Building upon the success of the open source and commercial NGINX proxy and web server implementations, Rabsatt, VP of product management, stated that NGINX now offer a comprehensive product suite that enables effective control and observability across the networking and API gateway domains, and increasingly across the service mesh space too. NGINX are focusing on providing solutions that allow "freedom and flexibility" for engineers, combined with the ability to implement guide rails where appropriate.
Approximately 40% of NGINX customers use the product to implement an API gateway solution, and Rabsatt discussed that this is an area that is important to NGINX. Many other API gateway solutions are built using NGINX, for example the open source and commercial Kong API gateway, and the open source OpenResty, and this further validates the applicability and strength of the core NGINX technology within this space.
Like the Proxy Model, the Fabric Model places NGINX Plus as a reverse proxy server in front of application servers, bringing many benefits. In the Router Mesh Model, NGINX Plus instances within the microservices application act as central communications points for other service instances. But in the Fabric Model, there is a dedicated NGINX Plus server instance in each microservice container. As a result, SSL/TLS security can be implemented for all connections at the microservice level.
InfoQでリンクが貼られているNGINXのブログではプロキシ、ルータメッシュの次のアーキテクチャとしてFablic Modelを紹介している。ここでいうルータはIPネットワークのルータではなく、URLを見て、どのサーバに処理を投げるかというnginxの用語だ。Apacheではmappingが該当する。Railsもroutingと呼んでたっけ。
The Fabric Model turns the usual view of application development and delivery on its head. Because NGINX Plus is on both ends of every connection, its capabilities become properties of the network that the app is running on, rather than capabilities of specific servers or microservices. NGINX Plus becomes the medium for bringing the network, the “fabric”, to life, making it fast, secure, smart, and extensible.
NGINXはFabric(織物)という用語を、これまでのNGINXがプロキシとして動いていたのに対して、on both ends of every connection、つまりどちらからも接続できる形態を示すのに使っている。