Progateの村井謙太さんのツイートがきっかけで、日本語にも翻訳されているJoel on Softwareの著者としても有名なJoel Spolskyのブログを探してみたら、2018年に10周年を振り返るエントリがあったので読んでみた。
One of the biggest such forums was called Experts Exchange. The first version of Experts Exchange was not successful financially. Apparently they went bankrupt in 2001.
The second problem was that EE let you get a free membership if you answered a certain number of questions. As it turned out, the people who were most desperate for free memberships were not exactly the best programmers in the world, and they wrote low quality answers to questions just to get those free memberships. And the quality of answers on the site went down.
StackOverflowが生まれる前、Experts Exchangeというサイトがあったが、単純に回答した回数が多いだけでメンバーシップを獲得できる仕組みだったため、質の悪い回答が増えてしまった。
Stack Overflow was better because it was free, but it had a ton of other “innovations” (which I put in quotes because we stole them from other Internet pioneers) which made it a much, much better site for getting answers to programming questions.
we stole them、つまり色々なサイトから盗んだと言っている。
We wanted the whole thing to be a fun game, with incentives to answer questions, so we had a reputation system. The more you answer, the more reputation you earn. The reputation idea had been seen before on sites like Slashdot and Reddit.
Instead of putting all the Java programmers in one little forum and all the C++ programmers in another, we dumped everyone together and just let them tag their questions. This idea was stolen from flickr(remember flickr?) who, I think, stole it from (now gone)—who knows, anyway, the point is, tags were the new hotness and made Stack Overflow work great.