
UX MILKという海外の良質なUX記事を紹介してくれるサイトがある。

Fast forward to the 90s when Don Norman helped coin the term User Experience while working at Apple. At the UX Conference in San Francisco, he explains in a video interview that UX is about the entire experience that the user has with the product, the company, and the services. Everything from the way customer service is perceived to how easily the product is released from the package.

User ExperienceというtermはAppleのDon Normanによるものだという豆知識。「誰のためのデザイン?」を書いたあとに、Appleで「ヒューマン・インタフェース・ガイドライン」を書いた人だ。

1. UX deals with the purpose and functionalityof the product. UI deals with the quality of the interaction that the end-user has with the product.2. UI design has an artistic componentas it relates to the design and interface with the product. It affects what the end-user sees, hears, and feels. UX has more of a social component for market research and communicating with clients to understand what their needs are.3. UX focuses on project management and analysisthrough the entire phase of ideation, development, and delivery. UI has more of a technical component to produce the design components for the finished product.

ちょっと長めの引用になってしまった。おまけに太字だけ読めば大体わかってしまう。一見、Experienceという言葉からpurposeとかproject managementという言葉まで想像できないかもしれないが、User Experienceを語る人は、その両方を含んでるという自覚を持ってるということですね。

