

But the Swarm and the Foursquare apps proper are a smaller slice of the company’s business than they used to be. Early 2017 saw the launch of Pilgrim, a software development kit that lets third-party apps send contextually targeted messages. By using a combination of signals such as GPS, cell tower triangulation, cellular signal strength, and surrounding Wi-Fi networks, it’s able to guess a user’s location without requiring them to check in.


Much more recently, Foursquare launched a startup tier of Places API aimed at app developers, startups, and small to medium-sized businesses. In addition to providing access to location-based data, it enables them to tap into photos, tips, reviews, and details about the more than 100 million locations in its Places database.

もうひとつのSDKであるPlacesはairbnbやUBERなど利用例が賑やかだ。もう何年も前に、ロケタッチという日本版FoursquareともいうべきサービスのAPIを使ってトイレ検索サイトを作ったことがあるが、今、作り直すとしたらPlace APIが選択肢だろう。

TripAdvisor recently launched a new app and website that focuses on social sharing and personalized recommendations. Foursquare’s Pilgrim SDK complements TripAdvisor technology, ensuring that hyper-personalized recommendations are truly accurate.

とは言っても、やはり新しいAPIであるPilgrimが、どんな体験を作り出すか想像力をかきたてる。TechCrunchではTripAdvisorが使う記事があった。まだTripAdvisorアプリには搭載されてないようだが、今からhypber-personalized reccomendationsを待ち構えてみたい。
