令和6年11月19日Brutal life
What do I think whether I should die tonight or not, and why.
Try more than 200 words!!!
(Raw sentences)
Rewrite following sentences with appropriate grammar and vocabularies. Count how many words in this sentences. I have dived into philosopical world in these few days. I read the book about the experience in forced labor facility in poland and germany in ww2. a psycologist experienced harsh days or years in there as one of many jews who are arrested and put in there. many of them died because harsh forced labor by German Nazi and there is never enough food, water, medicine, temperatures, and even rest. they took years through under extremely high pressures. and also, I met the book named ethica written by dutch philosopher Spinoza. I have not read it yet, but I want to read it soon. I feel this book must have some ideas that I want now.
the commmon thing of both of the books is describing on the meaning of life. Life has no meaning as it is, but there are some space for us to make our life better or at least keep mental order.
I am lost my way of my life. I dont have any meaning on my life. I dont have enough energy to do anything. I really suffering from it. It might be a lost of religious mentality is one of the reasons more people in advanced countries have been tring to die nowadays.
(Improved) Make them bold
In recent days, I have immersed myself in the world of philosophy. I read a book about the experiences of individuals in forced labor camps in Poland and Germany during World War II. A psychologist, who was one of many Jews arrested and sent to these camps, recounted his harrowing experiences. Many prisoners perished due to the brutal forced labor imposed by the German Nazis, compounded by a severe lack of food, water, medicine, adequate shelter, and rest. They endured years under unimaginable pressures in extremely harsh conditions.
I also encountered a book titled Ethica, written by the Dutch philosopher Spinoza. Although I have not yet read it, I am eager to do so soon. I feel that this book may contain ideas that resonate with what I need at this moment.
A common theme in both books is their exploration of the meaning of life. They suggest that life, in itself, has no inherent meaning, but they also highlight the possibility of creating meaning or maintaining mental order, even in the face of despair.
I feel utterly lost in my own life. I cannot find any sense of purpose, and I lack the energy to accomplish anything. I am truly suffering. Perhaps the decline of religious faith is one of the reasons why more people in developed countries are struggling with thoughts of ending their lives today.