自然観察 2021年3月10日
Location; Kanagawa Prefecture Nature Conservation Center, Atsugi-city
└ Japanese white-eye and sakura “Harumeki”(E3)┘
└ Japanese white-eye and sakura “Harumeki”(E3)┘
└ Japanese white-eyes and sakura “Harumeki”(E3)┘
└ Eastern-Japanese common toad(E30)┘
└ Eastern-Japanese common toads(E30)┘
└ Blue admiral(N2)┘
└ Nettle-tree butterfly(M20)┘
└ Large bee-fly(M20)┘
└ Large bee-fly(M20)┘
└ Nettle-tree butterfly(M20)┘
└ Long-tailed rose finch(Y12)┘
└ Long-tailed rose finch(Y12)┘
└ Japanese tit(Y12)┘
└ Black-faced bunting(Y12)┘
└ Eurasian siskin(Y12)┘
└ Black-faced bunting(Y8)┘
└ Japanese bush warbler(Y18)┘
└ Hoverfly(Y31)┘
└ Kibushi(Y34)┘
└ Japanese pygmy woodpecker(K8)┘
└ Japanese honey bee and sakura “Harumeki”(E3)┘
Let me know If there are any identification errors or wrong words.