
Japanese professional mahjong organizations & M League 麻雀競技団体とMリーグ

In English below





RMU(アール エム ユー)。2007年に設立。団体名称は、「Real Mahjong Unit」の略。代表の多井隆晴は現在Mリーグ通算最多得点者。所属プロ選手のみのリーグ戦である令昭位戦。


それぞれの団体によって若干のルールと点数計算、順位による加点方法(オカ、ウマ)が違い、また各団体によるプロ雀士認定方法が違う。プロ雀士になったからといってすぐ麻雀だけで生活できるわけではなく逆に団体に払う年会費、大会の出場参加費、(地方在住者は特に)交通費など支払い額が大きい。そういった状況に少なからず影響を与えたのが2018年から始まったM リーグです。今季2023-2024年MリーグはU-NEXTパイレーツの圧倒的強さを見せつけた優勝で幕を下ろしました。今年のMリーグの成績や個人賞、注目選手など紹介しましょう。(有料記事へ続く)

There are several prominent professional mahjong organizations in Japan. Let me list the major ones.

First, the Japan Professional Mahjong League (JPLM, Renmei), which currently has the largest number of professional players. Established in 1981, it hosts numerous title matches such as the Ouza Championship (王座戦). It adopts a rank system, and also awards ranks and grades to amateur players through its official online platform "Ryuuryuu" (龍龍). The first chairman was Takeo Kojima.

Next, The Professional Mahjong Highest Title Association (Saikouisen). The association's top title, the Highest Title Championship, was established by Takeshobo (a publishing company) in 1976. Other current organizations were originally separated from it by players who were participants of the Highest Title Championship.

Nihon Professional Mahjong Association (NPM, Kyo-kai). It hosts the Jyanou Championship (雀王戦). Established in 2001.

RMU (Real Mahjong Unit). Established in 2007. Its representative, Takaharu Ooi, is currently the all-time highest scorer in the M League. It hosts the Reisho Championships (令昭位戦), a league tournament for its own professional players only.

Lastly, The Mahjong Union (Maajan Rengou). Established in 1997, also known as μ (Myu).

The rules, scoring systems and scoring bonuses based on rankings (oka, uma) vary slightly among the organizations. The methods of certifying professional players also differ. Becoming a professional player doesn't necessarily mean one can make a living solely from mahjong; on the contrary, there are substantial expenses such as annual membership fees to the organization, tournament entry fees, and travel costs, especially for those living in outside of Tokyo. The M League, which started in 2018, has had a significant impact on this situation. In the 2023-2024 season, the U-Next Pirates overwhelmingly demonstrated their strength by winning the championship. Let's introduce the results, individual awards, and remarkable players from this year's M League. (Continued in paid article)



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