自己紹介, Self-introduction. I would like to write in English for non Japanese speakers as well.
in English below.
おはようございます。自称 universal Travelers 999 です。今回は一回目の投稿ということで軽く自己紹介がてらここにどのような内容を書いていきたいかを表明します。
Hello, I am born and raised in japan who has lived in Mexico more than 20 years during my traveling life since 18 years old. This is my first post introducing myself and outlining the types of content I plan to share.
I spent my younger years in the 1990s backpacking around the world in Asia, Europe, North and Central America. In the 2000s, I settled in Mexico where you have now lived for over 22 years. While I still travel occasionally, I haven't done extended trips since your daughter was born in the Yucatan Peninsula in 2015. I plan to start traveling more extensively again once she finishes compulsory education. I want to write casually in both Japanese and English about my thoughts and interests relating to living in Mexico. I may write in Spanish as well if there is demand for it later on.
Despite not returning to Japan very often (only 4 times for 3months or less each time over 22 years.), I have noticed the increasing number of foreign tourists and residents, especially after COVID. Due to declining birthrates, decreasing working-age population, aging society, and lack of successors of family businesses, Japanese policies have to accept foreign workers whether they like it or not. I have an impression that In Western countries where immigrants often do unpopular jobs, (only my impressions as a traveler, of course there are also a lot of immigrants in professional roles), it is expected the number of foreign workers and residents from all kinds of jobs will keep growing in Japan. As a long-term foreign resident of Mexico, I want to write in English(I should write in Spanish but English has more speaking populations) about Japan from the perspective of a foreign resident, to help foreigners in Japan and abroad understand more about the country. And in Japanese, I want to share about my experiences in Mexico and around the world. The latest statistics from Immigration Service Agency(*) show 195 nationalities/regions represented among foreign residents of Japan, with the top groups being Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean(second place for all foreign residents, because of world war 2), Filipino, Brazilian, Nepali, Indonesian, Myanmar (surprisingly), American and Taiwanese. While writing only in English may not fully match the demographic realities, I want to start by writing content that can stimulate people's interest, and would welcome anyone who can help translate into Asian languages in the future.