

「口腔細菌叢は唾液の流量、pH、アミラーゼ活性、凝集活性、抗菌物質、ホルモンなど、宿主の遺伝的要因にも影響を受けることになる。最近の報告として唾液アミラーゼ遺伝子AMY1のコピー数と口腔Porphyromonas菌種の比率に相関があることが報告されている (ref. 81)。」





Figure 1. AMY1-CN Distribution and Mean Amylase Salivary Activity for the Intervention Group
(A) Diploid AMY1-CN distribution for 105 subjects, from which the 25 intervention subjects were selected, was obtained using qPCR with primer sequences previously reported (Perry et al., 2007). (B) Mean amylase activity per mL of saliva ± SEM at each time point for the 25 individuals in the AMY1-CN intervention groups. Measurements were performed in triplicate for both qPCR and salivary amylase activity.
Figure 2. Oral Microbiomes Differ in Diversity between AMY1-CN Groups
(A) Alpha diversity assessed with the metric Chao 1 (n = 25). (B) Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of the unweighted UniFrac distances between samples collected from all 25 subjects throughout the study. The first two PCs are plotted. The percent variation explained by each PC is indicated on the axes. Samples are colored according to AMY1-CN group. See also Figure S2.
Figure 7. AMY1H and AMY1L Gut Microbiomes Differ in Function
(A and B) Boxplots of the read counts in the AMY1H and AMY1L groups for each of the significantly different carbohydrate-active enzyme classes: glycoside hydrolases (GH; A) and polysaccharide lyases (PL; B) (n = 20). (C) We used machine learning to assess whether SCFA levels were predictive of SAA. Subjects were clustered according to their salivary amylase activity in two groups (SAA-H and SAA-L) by k-means clustering (n = 25). Shown here is the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of a random forest model used to predict the SAA group using the SCFA measurements in a test dataset. (D) The features used by the random forest model for the classification of the test samples are shown in decreasing order of importance given by the mean decrease in Gini index. SCFA is the total of all SCFAs. But, butyrate; Val, valerate, Pro, propionate; Ace, acetate; Iso, isovalerate; Hex, hexanoate; Hep, heptanoate. (E–I) Boxplots of the adiposity measure normalized by baseline weight on the day of inoculation of formerly germ-free mice after humanization with stool collected from the study participants at 5 time points: (E) TP3; (F) TP4; (G) TP7; (H) TP9; (I) TP10. *Tukey’s HSD adjusted p < 0.05. See also Figures S6 and S7. 



