

✅※⚠️【女子達のまとわり付き全て侵食😈♪✨】にまとわり付かれ続けてる💀。昼の時間帯は人生の始め・覚えてる記憶の始めから。夜の時間帯のホステスやってる女子どもからは1989年から。これにより、まとわり付き全て侵食【カス男子全世代各個人の頭の中を侵し加え実行者として仕向けぶつけ続ける😈♪✨も含む。】は24時間規模に成った。それは人を換えては2025年に成ってるいまだに続いて居る😈♪✨A person who participates in and indulges in [Kiyosu 2nd Building, Matsuyama 1-18-14, women's body money making after-hours business money 💴✨]. Stalking behavior, clinging, watching, parking on the street 20250224
[⚠️Want to spread worldwide, the way of life of the core of women 😈♪✨] Preying on people's lives [inside] 😈♪✨・Living 😈♪✨✅※⚠️ [Women's clinging and eroding everything 😈♪✨] I've been clinging to them 💀. During the day, from the beginning of my life, from the beginning of my memories. From women and children who work as hostesses in the evening, since 1989. As a result, clinging and eroding everything [including the minds of all generations of trash men who continue to invade and direct and hit them as the perpetrators 😈♪✨. ] has become a 24-hour scale. It's changed people and is still going on in 2025😈♪✨


[⚠️Please spread this to the world] ✅※Political officials have been deliberately choosing to be negligent for a long time. You can see the truth in this video😈♪✨
This is the reality of Okinawa for a long time. They are deliberately trying to force the existence of these spoiled scum who are obsessed with other people's money on this region. You can see that. ✅※Even if they come to the scene on purpose, they choose not to crack down and just pass by. This is the true state of things for a long time.





If we don't let many people know like this, if we don't let the outside world know about this reality more widely than Okinawa,
✅※They will come back to this side soon😈♪✨

✅※In the first place, we have these scumbags all over the place. There is no reason why we can't live without dealing with these clingy, spoiled, kiss-kissing inner species who will drag us down for the rest of our lives. Forever. From the beginning of our lives.
✅※These guys, benefiting from the violence they receive,

make up fabricated excuses like that,

and then they continue to cling to people, invade, suck, and live. Forever. Since the Showa era.

Towa Shoji Matsuyama Building, Matsuyama 1-19-18 (1991-)
Kiyosu 2nd Building, Matsuyama 1-18-14 (1989-)
City Matsuyama 2nd Building, Matsuyama 1-14-2 (1992-)
Kosha Building, Matsuyama 1-14-8 (1993-)
The Legal Affairs Bureau staff said that for some reason the address numbers of these buildings change frequently. When I asked if that's the case, they said no, but when I asked why, they wouldn't say. I think this is also a characteristic of the political workers who want to leave these guys' money-making after-hours hostesses unchecked 7 days a week. Knowing this, it even seems like the women who work as hostesses are [imprinting influence😈♪✨] on the Okinawan men who work in political positions.


#Naha Police Station


#Endlessly rotten politics of the Okinawans and Miyakojima people

#A region that has been purposely cut off from politics and the rule of law for many years

#A region that has been used for many years at the will of the Okinawans and Miyakojima people who are in political positions anyway to flush out the scum and gather them in one place. They have been forcibly sacrificing all the people who live there, which means that they have been treated as nutrient food for the infinite number of scum that are kept by the stubbornness of these women who want to survive by clinging to them, invading them, and kissing them. This is
