
EmberJS Vs AngularJS: The Custom App Development Battle

The development of a robust and seamless web app is incredibly important for the success of any kind of business. And today the development of such apps has become pretty easy since there are so many different kinds of frameworks in the market. But this variety of choices in frameworks makes it almost impossible to choose one effective framework for custom app development.

The best way to understand which framework will be perfect for your custom app development is by comparing two different kinds of frameworks. Here in this article, we are going to compare AngularJS and EmberJS framework in custom app development. A brief introduction to both EmberJS and AngularJS.

What Is EmberJS?

Ember is a relatively new Javascript-based framework that follows Model-view-ViewModel architecture. Mainly used for creating web apps, it provides a rich and complex UI / UX for the custom apps developed. Some examples of the use of EmberJS is Linkedin, and Apple Music, Discourse, Ghost, etc.

Even though it is a new framework, Ember is still becoming pretty popular pretty fast because of its speed delivering the feature. This feature helps the startups to come up with the best possible web solutions. Here are a few more EmberJS benefits for you-

a) Enables the developers to write app-specific codes
b) Easy to understand
c) Web apps developed with this framework are easy to maintain and customize
d) Since there are fewer codes to write, it saves development time

What Is AngularJS?

With AngularJS developers can use HTML as a template Now before you look for viable angular js development services for your web application, you need to know a little about the framework itself. engine and extend the HTML syntaxes to formulate a web app's components.

Thanks to the data binding and dependency injection in angularjs, developers don't have to write as much code when working with AngularJS. Here are some of the key benefits of AngularJS.

a) Easy To Create And Maintain Single Page Applications.

b) The Data Binding Ability With HTML Provides A Responsive Experience.

c ) More Functionality With Fewer Codes. 

d) The Framework Is Supported By Google Itself, Therefore Receives Better Support And Updates.

EmberJS vs AngularJS: a comparison in custom app development

Now that we have gone through the brief descriptions of both frameworks, now it is time to see how they differ when it comes to developing custom applications.

Various Dependencies

Before you choose either EmberJS or web development with Angular js web development you need to know about their dependencies.

While EmberJS depends heavily on handlebars and Jquery to develop and run the web apps, AngularJS doesn't have any dependencies. The framework of AngularJS is robust enough to support the web application on its own.

Testing Support

Initially, EmberJS had poor testing support. But now thanks to regular updates the testing support for EmberJS has gotten better. Angular JS, on the other hand, has been providing excellent testing support from the very beginning.

Along with excellent testing support, Angular also provides more support for extensive testing to secure the best performance for web applications. And that is why you should hire angularjs developers India since AngularJS provides better testing support than EmberJS.

Routing Ability

When it comes to routing, EmberJS is a little more complicated than AngularJS.For beginners, EmberJS can be too complex and difficult to master. that 's why it can take them a while to understand and start developing apps using this framework for the first time.

Compared to EmberJS, Angular, on the other hand, provides easier routing for both beginners and certified angularjs developers. Routing is an important part of modern web apps, and since Angular provides easier routing, it is much easier for beginners to master this language and start working on Angular JS web development.

Reusable components

These components enable the developers to create reusable components and simplify the templates they are using.

Even though emberJS provides good reusable components, it is AngularJS that is more powerful with it comes to generating reusable components.EmberJS uses handlebars for templating, while AngularJS uses HTML as a template engine. on plenty of handlebars and JQuery libraries to ensure the proper function of the app.

The Data Binding Ability

When It Comes To Data Binding, Both The Frameworks Are Supporting The Two-Way Data Binding. But It AngularJs Also Supports The One-Way Data Binding Process. It Means That With AngularJS, The Developers Can Use The 'Ng-Bind' Command To bind this proves that ANgularJs has better data binding ability than EmberJS.

Use Of Modules

The concept that rules the core of EmberJS is Router, Templates, and Models.The routers redirect the actual URL to the route, which is then utilized to load data, set up the application state and display the templates.The model of the framework extends the functionality of the EmberJS data.The components are used to manage the operations related to UI.

AngularJS however, comes with a modular approach. The various modules are used to separate the elements such as the services, controllers, applications, etc and manage the code to be readable. The modules are separated into different files and then specified into module.js files. Few specific models are already there such as application modules and controller modules.


Both EmberJS and AngularJS are amazing frameworks suitable for developing scalable and successful web applications. But they do have different features and work differently. So whether you are looking for angularjs web development services or EmberJS developers, make sure you understand the requirements of your project first.
