Soap opera -Mr.Fichot, thank you for being so condescending-
I am so upset reading European embassies and ambassadors believe Vincent Fichot’s claim without verification.
Today several EU Ambassadors spoke with Mr Fichot, a French citizen seeking access to his children in Japan, to show European solidarity toward respecting the Convention on the Rights of the Child so that all children can maintain bonds with both parents #EUinJapan @EUAmbJP
— 駐日欧州連合代表部🇪🇺 (@EUinJapan) July 30, 2021
you can read his claim here
What I am worried about is foreigners living in Japan who get false information from embassies or ambassadors may lose the opportunity to exercise their rights.
Therefor as a Japanese lawyer, I decided to write this article.
1 The fact of Vincent Fichot’s case
These are the facts that can be recognized from the allegations and materials presented so far.
・ Vincent Fichot and his wife have lived in Japan and married under Japanese law.And have 2children.
・ They have not divorced yet.
・ His wife evacuated to a shelter with their children to escape from domestic violence.
・ Vincent Fichot applied to the family court to hand over their children and to designate himself as a custody parent of their children .
・ The family court has designated his wife as the custody parent of their children.
・ Vincent Fichot disputed the family court's decision, but he even fought with the High Court and the Supreme Court.
・ The Supreme Court upheld the designation of his wife as a child custody parent.
・ Vincent Fichot has not applied for mediation with the family court for visitation.
The judgement document of their custody case has been prepared and delivered to Vincent Fihcot, but he has not showed it to us. Neither those who believe in his claim nor the media that convey his claim have seen the document. The judgement document should tell you the allegations of him and his wife’s, as well as the fact that the court found. I wonder why other people including medias have not mentioned the document.
It is unfair to blame his wife on the basis of his allegations and claims without examining the facts. I am disappointed that there is no fairness in people who support him. Is it because Vincent is White-male and his wife is Asian-female?
2 About visitation
Under the Japanese law, if a parent who has separated from his / her child wants to see his / her child, he / she is free to agree and visit him / her if there is no problem in keeping in touch. This is the realization of many separated families and custody after divorce.
What if there is any problem, or they cannot agree? In that case, he/she should apply for mediation to the family court.
In mediation, whether or not to visit, the frequency and other conditions are discussed and decided. If the mediation cannot be agreed, it will be a trial procedure.
The trial will order the custody parent (‘the custody parent’ here means parent who live with and takes care of the child) to have the child to meet a separated parent, unless evidences prove that the separated parent has abused the child.
This means Vincent Fichot could have met his children if he applied for mediation, unless he had abused the children.
Instead, what he has done is hunger strike to meet his children, insulting his wife by using the mass media, exposing children’s names to the media, and threatening their safe lives. (By the way, his hunger strike seems to be reducing diet rather than fasting, so he's unlikely to die. I think that is only positive point of his action. Anyone must keep safe from a threatening to die.)(He ordered his wife to take their children till 30th July the date EU staffs visited him, but he got injury to his hand after EU staffs gone and he moved to the hospital for hand surgery .Anyway, it is good that he won't die.)
I have seen a French movie "Jusqu'à la garde" directed by Xavier Legrand. The opening scene is a family court procedure that decides to have Julian to visit his father, Antoine. As this scene tells us, even in France, there is a trial procedure for visiting child, and a parent who separated from his/her child need to follow the procedure. Vincent Fichot is trying to skip the steps he should take even if he is in his home country.
He should stop doing things above and quickly choose a decent lawyer to apply for mediation.
3 What behind of Japan's divorce and parent-child system
This is mainly my opinion.
The biggest problem in Japan's divorce and parent-child system is that it cannot provide detailed support due to lack of budget and manpower for courts and the judiciary.
For example, domestic violence has finally been recognized by society, private shelters have been set up, protection order systems have been set up, and police have begun to respond as violence cases, but public support is still lacking. For example, it takes almost 1month the court orders a protection after applying.And this protection order is "limited to a victim who has been subjected to bodily harm, life-threatening intimidation"( You have to keep yourself and your child free from domestic abuse that hurt your honor by yourself. Though we’ve just seen the case that a person who evacuated to a shelter with children to escape is called 'kidnapper' by the spouse.
Visitation also requires detailed support while caring for children, but the system is not in place. As mentioned above, family court will order a custody parent to have his/her child to meet separated parent as a general rule. But there’s no public institution nor system that oversees troubles during visits and protects children.
There are no penalties for non-payment of child support. Beside the poverty rate of single-mother families is high (about 50%), but the rate of receiving child support is about 20%.
Behind these problems, there may be the culture that public institutions refraining from stepping into the home. And a deep-rooted belief that women raise children at home and men work outside. I think these cultures hinders the idea that detailed support is needed for each case. This belief also causes poverty in single-mother families.
There is an argument in Japan that co-custody should be forced even after divorce, but as mentioned above, the system is too inadequate. Systems and supports to protect parent and children from abuse are insufficient. If co-custody is forced under the current system, children will be sacrificed by the abusers.
I, as a lawyer, believe current system should change to better one for children. So that we need to change social consciousness, not due to threats or external pressure. Because Japan is an independent, democratic nation.
Who am I
Some readers ask me to display my name on this article. But so sorry to say, I have to protect myself and my clients from group of people arguing that co-custody should be forced after divorce. They are threatening and harassing lawyers who don’t follow them.So I won't display my name.
例えば、ようやく家庭内暴力が社会に認知されて民間のシェルターが設けられ、保護命令制度が設けられ、警察が暴力事件として対応するようになったが、公的なサポートはいまだ不足している。たとえば、保護命令は発令まで一ヶ月程度はかかるし、その対象も身体への暴力や生命に関わる脅迫だけである。人格を傷つける虐待の方法は限りなくあるが、生命身体を守るのがやっとである。ところで、まさに今我々は、子供を連れてシェルターに逃げ込んだ人が「誘拐犯」呼ばわりされているのを見ているわけだが。 参考:配偶者暴力防止法条文(日英)