
Never give up ! 父への追悼ダンス

I choreographed this piece for tribute to my Dad.
He was Mr. positive.
The day Dr told him that he has cancer and not much time to living. In his Diary he wrote
[ Today is the new day, my battle start and I am going to be soldier to beat this cancer. I have to be stronger than ever.]
Dr told him that his time is only around 1 yea left, but he survived 3 years, never gave up.
And the day he was died, in the morning he wrote
[ To my, DR
Here is My reherbilitation program.
I would like to start excersize for rehabilitation as soon as possible (even he was palaraized under the neck ) and I would like to start to eat actual food to make stamina.]
With his shaking handwriting.

He taught me no matter what
[Never give up]
And Life is beautiful.

1 year later after my dad passed, i had chance to dance at out side concert hall at Ueno Park Where my dad’s grave is in same area.
So i danced this piece as reply to my Dad.

Yes, Dad ! Life is so beautiful, and I fight with all the situation for survived.
Never give up !

I am in worst situation, our Hotel is 2 blocks away from biggest cluster in Japan of Corona Virus. Emergency hospital got group of infection.
So our customer started to avoid our area, and yesterday we have only 1 guest in 73 rooms.
In this situation what we could do is Food delivery. I knocked the each door to neighbors to passed our flyer in last few weeks before Tokyo announced State of emergency.
I have to protect my employee and not only money with their body health and mentally health.
Dad I am doing full out, If you are living you would do what I am doing right now.

And Thank you for arranged to beautiful Music.
Our Music Director composer Ray DeTone and Shamisen player Niya Sasaki and Cristobal Cintron on Vocals & Palmas.

このピースは 父が亡くなって10ヶ月後に 上野公園の水上音楽堂で踊る機会に恵まれ、父が眠る寛永寺と同じ上野公園の敷地内になることから 父への追悼メッセージとして振り付けました。


いつ リハビリを始められますか?一刻もはやく始めることを望みます。
食事のスケジュール (チューブで食事を取れていなかったため)
早く食事を始めて 体力をつけたい」
その時の父は癌が肺から背骨へ転移して、肺の後ろの脊髄の部分から下が付随になっていたにも関わらず 震える手でそう書かれていました。

酸素マスクの内側から 手で合図をして

「Never give up !!」
「Life is beautiful 」

今 コロナウィルスで大変な状況下にあります。
先日は73室あるホテルの部屋が たった1室しか埋まっていないことも。

スタッフから陽性患者を出さない、お客様から出さない。お客さんが持ってくるかも知れない。館をクラスターにしてはいけない、自分もうつってはいけない、最大のストレスの中、あの手 この手で父の教えを胸に頑張っています。

また みんなと一緒に笑い合い 踊れる日を目指しながら
Tomorrow is another day !!

⬇︎動画を是非 見てください。曲もオリジナルをカバーしてもらっています。

