Nu NulLAX NuLAN における初期リリース作品
release /discography of Nu NuLAX NuLAN
Satanicpornocultshop - NIRVANA or LUNCH (NUCD1999)
"quantity written by 澁澤 Tatsuhiko -- a hill -- the album which established original insanity/aesthetics for account of Imperial prince voyage" in the motif, making full use of the huge sampling and the electronic noise The appointment KARIPUSU tale which pulls 1999 panoramas and is rubbed about while it was forcibly pushed into the passenger seat and 1999 penises had been thrown by the skeleton truck driver which put 1999 and the tattoo into the arm beautifully. Joan JIRUBERUTO which sang Acapulco of 1999, and Madam record 13 music of good looks from the crack including a witch's 秘薬 recipe and the cover of BANANA SPLIT which became immoral. ('98)
澁澤龍彦著「高丘親王航海記」をモチーフに膨大なサンプリング、電子ノイズを駆使して独自の狂気/美学を確立したアルバム。腕に美しく1999とタトゥーを入れたスケルトン・トラック運転手に、無理やり助手席へ押し込まれ、1999本のペニスをぶち込まれたまま、1999パノラマを引き擦り回されるアポカリプス奇譚。1999のアカプルコを歌ったジョアン・ジルベルト、奥様は魔女の秘薬レシピ、BANANA SPLITのカバーを含む爛れた傷から美貌の13曲を収録。
the GARDEN of Nu NuLAX NuLAN (NUCD1941)
Label KOMPIRESHON by 14 sets of artists of Nu NuLAX NuLAN who wriggle to 宵闇 of Asia. Only always the sound source which has a problem in various [ being recorded here ] meanings, such as DUB(ing) the atrocious track of a lunatic and the Shirk team, and certain label KOMPIRESHON inclusion music of BOSABOSA without notice, in addition to unpublished music, such as homosexual NAPAMU DADDO, a human rocket, electric cafe, RAW, ONODERAJUMPEI, a SATANIKKU pornography cult shop, and ALTREDGE.E.S. The erotic collection of garden music by the artists who did freak out without any restriction ('98)
アジアの宵闇に蠢くNu NuLAX NuLANのアーティスト14組によるレーベル・コンピレーション。ホモセクシュアル・ナパーム・ダッド、人間ロケット、エレクトリック・カフェ、RAW、オノデラジュンペイ、サタニックポルノカルトショップ、ALTREDGE.E.S等の未発表曲に加え、狂人・シャーク団の極悪なトラック、ボサボサの某レーベルコンピレーション収録曲を無断でDUBするなど、ここに収録されているのはいろんな意味で問題のある音源ばかり。無制限にフリークアウトしたアーティスト達によるエロティックな庭園音楽集。
electric cafe - GREATEST HITS 2000 (NUCD2000)
It is made 1st as which ELECTRIC CAFE expected and announces 満, and is already a best album. A DORAMUN base which made full use of a vintage synthesizer and which shines. 12" with difficult deployment and present acquisition of lounge EREKUTORO which MANYUERU GETCHINGU united with Curtiss mantle RONIKKU happily -- the excellent piece of music "DRUMMER'S SUISIDE" of an analog sound source or a DORAMUN base -- MEKISHIKAN remix by the cover of "FLY ME TO THE MOON" according to BOKODA in addition to unpublished music in addition to this, and SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP etc. -- inclusion ('99)
ELECTRIC CAFEが満を期して発表する1stにしてすでにベストアルバム。ビンテージ・シンセを駆使したきらめくようなドラムンベース。マニュエル・ゲッチングがカーティス・マントロニックとめでたく融合したようなラウンジ・エレクトロを展開、現在入手困難な12"アナログ音源やドラムンベースの名曲「DRUMMER'S SUISIDE」そのほか、未発表曲に加え、ボコーダーによる「FLY ME TO THE MOON」のカバー、SATANICPORNOCULTSHOPによるメキシカンremix等を収録!
Satanicpornocultshop - BALTIMORE 1972 (NUCD1972)
The pornography musical suite smeared with the saliva which made Baltimore in 1972 the stage, the feces of a dog, and radioactivity. The 性悪な album developed based on the text "the capital of the hair style in the Baltimore-world" of J and Waters. They are SUTINKU and the FISUTO collection of ASUHORU hip-hop at IRU by which she was fascinated with holy place = Baltimore for an Okey BORUCHI maniac when Baltimore also attached the actress who is not 巨乳 which carried out 歳くってて size, either to the name. 0-second artist BEN-HAAAA of a mystery participates in a guest. ('99)
人間ロケット - グレイテスヒッツ10 (NUCD1867)
The mushroom world unfolded for a long time by the prose poem at the ensemble of only electricity and a drum. For the Bon Festival, the soul which has come back from the next world although passed and cooked is the soul of this world, and the mood music optimal when becoming entangled with some puzzlingly. How is an exotic sound like the menko of the frog of moon return, the scent of the nuoc mam oil currently used for the Vietnam food, a flashback in which MATINDENI is carrying out the session to India BENCHAZU, and the primary color got in the mom-and-pop candy store? [KESU KESUI] ('99)
Satanicpornocultshop - Belle Excentrique (NUCD1919)
The actor playing a comic role of the cult artist of a genuine article also with fresh in memory it having been extolled as 錬金術師 by sampling collage, having offered the big problem track by the omnibus of XperXsr (Vasselin Records) edit in the electronic music special edition of Japan of TOFU (Hong Kong), and having also boiled public discussion. F. the kind which is full of Utopia fancy in "comment te dore adieu?" of HARDY, "I'm green" of CAN, etc. -- rare kitchen knife 捌き -- cooking It is perfume about 欄れた exoticism beautifully to very distorted hip-hop Eros. Already, everyone is confused at the music of 魔境 which cannot be explained and, probably, it is charmed. ('00)
TOFU誌(香港)の日本の電子音楽特集では、サンプリング・コラージュによる錬金術師と絶賛され、XperXsr(Vasselin Records)編集のオムニバスで大問題トラックを提供し、物議を沸かしたのも記憶に新しい本物のカルトアーティストの三枚目。F.HARDYの「comment te dore adieu?」やCANの「I'm so green」などをユートピア奇想溢れる類希な包丁捌きで料理。極めて歪なヒップ・ホップ・エロスに美しく欄れたエキゾチシズムを芳香。最早、説明不可能な魔境の音楽に誰もが狼狽し、魅惑されることでしょう。
swedish☆panic☆porno - GENOCIDAL DISCOTHEQUE (NUCD1984)
Pyramid class SAMPURA Derrick of s*p*p = large discotheque! An electric cafe and SATANIKKU pornography cult shop etc. is invited to producing, and an intense compression pantaloons noise in which Ava carried out critical 起こ is developed to the よな CHACHI space groove in which Sun = RA is carrying out Afro sex with the mirror ball. Although it is called large NETA usage's frightfulness or there is also a view whether it is "stars-on" completely, now, it is さ as reason is obstructive to a riot/PARTY ... Quote disco hits and Garcia Marquez simultaneously, and cry for an anti thesis on the music scene caught by the spell of a hierarchy or power, namely, this is the disco of a slaughter! ('00)
ugh & Franz のユニット。サブジェクトから2ndも予定されていたらしいが、リリースはされず。
the EXOTICA of Nu NuLAX NuLAN (NUCD1911)
KOMPIRESHON"the EXOTICA of Nu NuLAX NuLAN" of the exotic music by Nu NuLAX NuLAN editorial supervision is released at last. 20 music of music which was accumulated exceeding music nature, nationality, and the time and which it is mysterious and "is unique" is recorded here. "Brazil" which H=N=D (Osaka) made with SAKUTSU to 口琴 of the mystery by Dj*Chola (France) with Duran Duran flavor, Kill (NY/Chicago) which has struck the assassin with break beet jazz From は exotic Yao which meets Xper.Xr. (HK) which releases 問題作 from a tea stalk etc. to Satanicpornocultshop "唄 of a gateball club" which Sekiden Cawju (播州) wiped with the house, "唄 of gondola", Movie of Jiro Tamiya starring with a human rocket [a gun dog] The cover of theme music, Girl" blown in the slight excellent" depth of the fork on the street by Unipue Skeleton, In addition, spirited NeoTerrorM.S. with popular 1st from Universal Soldier and Otoya Japan which wait for 1st is remix about ELECTRIC CAFE ....... Confused "exoticism of thinking" which carries out a night train like Hyakki. A moment, the joy for 74 minutes passed by the pleasure whom obtaining exceeds, but here are the dangerous colony filled to "laughter" which may never be made into this dinner if the ぬらついた look of not paradise but the rustic group of 漆黒 always 曝 and it is inattentive slightly! A sad secret track is recorded on a part for the first time. '01. 08. 20.
Nu NuLAX NuLAN監修によるエキゾチック音楽のコンピレーション"the EXOTICA of Nu NuLAX NuLAN"が遂にリリースされる。ここには音楽性、国籍、時代を超えて集積された不可思議で"ユニーク"な音楽を20曲収録。Dj*Chola(France)による謎の口琴を、H=N=D(大阪)がDuran Duran風味でサクッと仕上げた"Brazil"、ブレイクビーツ・ジャズで刺客を叩き切るKill!(NY/Chicago)、茶柱などから問題作をリリースするXper.Xr.(HK)を迎え撃つはエキゾチック八尾からSatanicpornocultshop、Sekiden Cawju(播州)が自宅でふき込んだ「ゲートボール倶楽部の唄」「ゴンドラの唄」、人間ロケットによる田宮二郎主演の映画[鉄砲犬] テーマ曲のカバー、Unipue Skeletonによる路上フォークの名曲"こめかみの少女"、その他、1stが待たれるUniversal Soldier、Otoya Japanからの1stが好評な気鋭NeoTerrorM.S.がELECTRIC CAFEをremix.......。
ジャケは後にサタポに加入するmeu-meuことDJ Cholaのコラージュブックとのこと。なんかセロテープを貼ったようなスジがありますが、ジャケット写真が元々そうなっています。
electric cafe - song from distant mars (NUCD2002)
The 2nd work of ELECTRIC CAFE released for the first time in about two years from a previous work. It is the result which carried out intension of the element of not only techno music but an electro [ HIP HOP ], a dub, EREPOPPU, and the global electro sound of being psychedelic this time. This is elecrric cafe-sound ver 2.0 and Please listen!!! !!. ('01)
前作から約2年ぶりにリリースされるELECTRIC CAFEの2作目。今回はテクノミュージックのみならず、エレクトロHIP HOP、ダブ、エレポップ、サイケデリックといったグローバルなエレクトロサウンドの要素を内包した仕上がり。 これがelecrric cafe - sound ver 2.0, Please listen!!!!!
Satanicpornocultshop - ugh yoing (NUCD1950)
"release fire to your Kinkakuji Temple" -- the new work which becomes the 4th sheet of Satanicpornocultshop which carried out the cut rise of erection RONIKA, hip-hop, oriental mood music, a break beet, exotic music, a naniwa-bushi reciting, the 島唄, etc. fresh about -- at a watchword Though all simultaneous cost-sound is leased, the strange world which carries out decision to what artist, which is not linked and in which a category is impossible is built. all the possibilities and huge inconsistency -- being 孕みな -- the thorough treason to the U.S. music which contains erection RONIKA of West Coast so that it may roll is tried It betrays with 憧憬, and disappointment and organic functions, and is DOPPERUGENGA. The spirit which is present in words of the anger which does not become language with [ugh yoing] although it received raw in the frontier district. Dangerous 呪詛 which 囃 up the long cherished desire which can sleep if it releases fire to that country that believed that it was beautiful. Goverment Alpha, noise artist Xper.Xr. of Hong Kong, etc. which play an active part in a European noise scene are invited to a guest, their violent sound is released into sharp break KUBITSU of sharpness, and very aesthetic erection RONIKA is generated. ('02)
「お前の金閣寺に火を放て」――を合言葉にエレクトロニカ、ヒップホップ、オリエンタル・ムード音楽、ブレイクビーツ、エキゾチック音楽、浪曲や島唄などを瑞々しくカットアップしたSatanicpornocultshopの4枚目となる新作。あらゆる同時代的な音を租借しながらも、どんなアーティストとも決してリンクしないカテゴリー不能な異様な世界を構築。あらゆる可能性と、巨大な矛盾を孕みながら、転がるように西海岸のエレクトロニカを含むアメリカ音楽への徹底的な反逆を試みる。憧憬と失望、官能と裏切り、ドッペルゲンガー。[ugh yoing]とは辺境に生を受けたものの言葉にならない怒りの言霊。美しいと信じていたあの国に火を放てと、眠れる本懐を囃し立てる危険な呪詛。欧州のノイズ・シーンで活躍するGoverment Alphaや香港のノイズ・アーティストXper.Xr.等をゲストに迎え、彼らの暴力的なサウンドを切れ味の鋭いブレイククビーツの中に放ち、極めて耽美的なエレクトロニカを生成している。
RAW - Rush and Wonder (NUCD8178)
CD of a stadium system band exceptional as Nu NuLAX NuLAN is released. RAW, them [ invitation / often / support of a club system is also high and / although the stadium for them of the God Tode body is the Nishinomiya Stadium system mailbox lock, since this is also smoke MOKUMOKU in a transformer, Ambient, Iviza, or 的な implications / the event of the hand / them / support ]. however, Jennie of a harbor -- ungrateful -- "-- yes -- a degree -- the cause -- " -- a package and "it 演 carrying out, and never, hanging down and passing" -- "てな -- changing -- it cares about" -- tea table ひっくり返す男前な侍 3 person 衆 In this mini-album, when Santana clothed in the suit obtained in depth by the leaf of mustard on the body gives a tight hug to Trent and the Reznor Ambient さ which rest feather in the neighborhood of Sanzu no kawa with ZAKU っ, it is emotional U2 さ that the organization of the carnival of RIO of BPM135 comes by CHAKASUKA snowslide 込ん suddenly. if their sound is heard -- GITA って, although a deep feeling carries out to various sound coming out truly A sadness transformer fork lock which he wants to say and becomes is begun. such sound & -- desertion, such as a view [ レコーディング ], -- them -- "ruby CHUZUDI in 2002" -- でも -- When having waited for the book of John umbrella BEDESU with my P by methamphetamine NUFU under its arm The mob of the point from which it was suddenly kidnaped by UFO and escaped very nearly was the South America dust under CHUPA 鏑 (ぶ et al.) overhunting. -- It is large deployment about worldwide adventure fighting scene music, such as !! Where is this? No [ Chicago ? Bristol ], it is Kobe. 2002.4.25.
Nu NuLAX NuLANとしては異例のスタジアム系バンドのCDがリリースされます。神戸出身の彼らにとってのスタジアムとは西宮球場系ポスト・ロックなのですが、トランスやらアンビエントやらイビサやら的な意味合いでこちらも煙モクモクなのでクラブ系の支持も高く、その手のイベントによくお呼ばれする彼らRAW。しかし港のジェニーの不義理には「ええ加減にせいよ」と一括、「二度と演らしたれへん」てな切り替えしに「構うか」とちゃぶ台ひっくり返す男前な侍3人衆。今回のミニ・アルバムでは芥子の葉でこさえたスーツを身に纏うサンタナが、三途の川の辺で羽を休めるトレント・レズナーなアンビエントさをザクっと抱きしめると、突如BPM135のリオのカーニバルの団体がチャカスカなだれ込んでくるというエモーショナルなU2さです。彼らのサウンドを聴いているとギターって本当にいろんな音が出るんだなあと深遠な気分にさせられますが、そんなサウンド&レコーディングな見解など置き去りに、彼らは「2002年のルビー・チューズディ」とでも言いたくなるような哀愁トランス・フォーク・ロックをはじめ、ジョン・カサベデスの本を小脇にポン・ヌフでPちゃんと待ち切ってたら、突如UFOに拉致され危うく脱出した先は暴徒がチュパ鏑(かぶら)乱獲中の南米チリであった…!というようなワールドワイドな冒険活劇音楽を大展開!ここは何処ですか?シカゴ?ブリストル?いいえ、神戸です。