

書く習慣をつけたい、何かあたらしいことに挑戦したいみなさん、66日間、毎日投稿をしてみませんか? ※ 参加はいつでも可能です。その日から66日連続で投稿しましょう。   300字…


My Favourite Books (愛読書)

My Favourite Books (愛読書)

Note: This article is written using 'favourite books', a topic set by Akira-san, as a reference.

If I am asked what my favorite books are, which means the books I ha

Memo of English Phrases (英語のフレーズ)

Memo of English Phrases (英語のフレーズ)

This is the memo of English phrases I have learnt from what I read.

Best off Doing
I searched for the optimal time of day to do it and the pace I should be going. It turns out, to burn fat and reduce

Picture Book Writer (絵本作家)

Picture Book Writer (絵本作家)

The other day, I went to listen to a talk by a picture book writer. I had never heard of her before. But I went to listen to it with no prior information about her. Overall, I could not enjoy it as mu

 Studying Maths (79) Cubic Formulas, (数学の勉強(79)、三次方程式)

Studying Maths (79) Cubic Formulas, (数学の勉強(79)、三次方程式)

I worked on the cubic formulas, a new task in my maths book, last week. I factorised, and drew the graphs of, the formulas. I did the same part a year ago, and I was a bit nervous to see if I could un

Encounters with people I respect (謦咳に接する)

Encounters with people I respect (謦咳に接する)

It took me time to write this article. I needed time to think about who I should write about. I have several people who I respect in my life. One of them is my senior colleague who I met in a company.










Change in My Partner(パートナーの変化)

Change in My Partner(パートナーの変化)

It has been about 40 years since I got married. It is certain that my wife has changed since then. But I cannot say exactly how she has changed. It seems that she has changed little by little over tim

Fuji TV(フジテレビ)

Fuji TV(フジテレビ)

Since the new year 2025 has just started, Japan has seen a lot of gloomy news. One of them is the news that on the 22nd of January, a man was stabbed and killed by a random killer in front of a busy N

Concert (演奏会)

Concert (演奏会)

The other day, I went to a concert which was held at a hall in my town. It was for 4 young musicians born in my town. It started with the performance of a young drummer. He played 3 pieces on drums of

My Birthday(ボクの誕生日)

My Birthday(ボクの誕生日)

Today is my birthday. It is very simple. I was born in 23 January. So, it start with one (1) of January and followed by twenty three (23) of the day. In other words, it is just ‘one, two and three’. N

Studying Maths (78), Inequalities(数学の勉強(78)、不等式)

Studying Maths (78), Inequalities(数学の勉強(78)、不等式)

Last week, I had worked on the inequalities, a new task. As I had expected, it was not so difficult, and I enjoyed solving the questions. Now, I have to work on the cubics. When I did it a year ago, i

Web Browsers (ブラウザ)

Web Browsers (ブラウザ)

Since I began to use the Internet, I have used a number of web browsers to surf the Internet up to now. It was MS Internet Explorer that I used for the first time. And then, I used other browsers: Goo

 TV Dramas (テレビドラマ)

TV Dramas (テレビドラマ)

In the last 2 weeks, I have watched a lot of new TV dramas, including the one on Netflix, for a change. Among them was “Ashura no Gotoku’ (Like Ashura in English), which fascinated me the most. It had

Mouth Tape(口閉じテープ)

Mouth Tape(口閉じテープ)

On 15 January, I went to see a dentist. I was lucky that my teeth had nothing wrong, and that I would not need to see him again until 6 months later. This time, I had my upper teeth cleaned, and I hav
