
001 Intermediate - Introductions Vol.1

Train Your English
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Adam: Hi, can I come in?
Tadashi: Yes, of course. I’m Tadashi. Call me Tod.
Adam: Adam. Great to meet you.
Tadashi: Good to meet you, too. Where are you from?
A: From The US.
T: Cool. Where in the US?
A: From Chicago. Have you been there?
T: Yes. Once. I believe it was in January. I went there on a business trip. It was freezing cold!
A: Yes, it is very cold in the winter there and it’s sometimes really windy, too.
T: I know! How was your first train ride, by the way?
A: Oh man...it was crazy!
T: haha! Welcome to Tokyo!
A: Yeah...thanks.
T: We are planning to throw a welcome party, Friday.
A: Great!
T: Well, I have to go now. It was very nice meeting you.
A: You, too.

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