
002 Beginner - Introductions Vol.2

Train Your English
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Adam: Excuse me, is this for Train Your English Corporation?
Ken-ichi: Yes, it is! I am Ken-ichi. Nice to meet you.
A: Adam. Good to meet you, too.
K: Please call me Ken. When did you come to Japan?
A: Just last week!
K: Oh wow! So, you are really new! Welcome to TYE!
A: Thanks!
K: How do you like it here?
A: I like it a lot! By the way, where is everybody?
K: Well, I’m sure they’ll be here soon.
A: OK. What will you drink?
K: Beer, I think. Have you ever tried Japanese beer?
A: No...but I’ll give it a try!
K: Cool! Excuse me. May I have a beer?
A: Me, too...and can we have two wet towels, too? …...Thanks! I love these!
K: Haha! It’s very Japanese, I guess. So, you like wiping your face with it, too?
A: Of course! Aww….It’s so refreshing!

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