
003 Intermediate - Opinions Vol.1

Train Your English
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自らの意見を英語で発する事はネイティブにとってさえも難しい事があります。ましてや自分の意見を胸に留めておく事をよしとする文化の人間からすると尚更です。このIntermediateエピソードでは、使える単語やフレーズを用いながらどうやって自分の見解を伝えるかを学んでいきます。We hope you enjoy!

Anthony: Ken, thank you for giving us a tour around those locations last week. They were all very attractive. However, I personally liked Shinjuku the most.
Claire: Well, I do think that Ginza would be the most desirable location for our new branch. What do you think, guys?
Ken: Well, yeah....
Anthony: How about Shinjuku? Shinjuku station is supposed to be the busiest terminal in the world. I believe we should go for Shinjuku.
C: I know...but given the fact that Ginza is becoming the new trend for tourists, I strongly suggest we choose that location...and the rent is actually quite attractive. Right, Ken?
K: Ye..s.
A: That goes without saying. It’s surprisingly cheap, compared to the general market price there, but the one in Shinjuku is almost the same price, plus it has got more square footage than the one in Ginza, not to mention our restaurant has more Japanese business people than tourists to begin with.
C: Well, that’s true. OK. No one supports Shimbashi? Ken, I thought you mentioned you were supporting the idea of Shimbashi. What’s your opinion?
K: Um...yeah I like it.
C: Which one?
K: uh...the one in Shimbashi...but it’s ok.
C: What do you mean ok?
K: um...I think both Shinjuku and Ginza are ok.
C: Oh, ok, if you say so. Well, we’ve reached a conclusion. I mean Shinjuku, then. Right?
A: I think so...unless anyone else objects…Great. Let’s move on to the next item on the agenda…

台本の和訳や、より詳しい単語やフレーズの説明の載ったワークシートを有料にて提供しております。こちらは「Study Materials」の定期購読マガジンでの提供になります。是非よろしくお願いします!
