
Unlock the Mysteries of Japan with Goshuin: The Fun and Exciting Stamp Collecting Adventure!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a good day.
Have you ever heard about Goshuin and Goshuin-cho?
I'm Miyuki, a tour guide from Japan, and I love collecting Goshuin!

So, what are Goshuin?
They are special stamps or seals that you can get at temples and shrines when you visit, kind of like the stamps you get in your passport when you travel to a different country.
But there’s a little difference - you need to give a small donation, usually between 300 and 500 yen, to receive a Goshuin.

You collect these Goshuin in a book called Goshuin-cho.
Sometimes you hand over your book and the Goshuin is written directly into it. Other times, you might get a pre-written slip (called 'kakioshi') that you stick into the book yourself.

It’s a fun hobby, a bit like a treasure hunt, and it's exciting to collect Goshuin from different parts of Japan. Plus, the date you visited is recorded, so it’s a great way to remember your trips.

Would you like to try collecting Goshuin with me?
It’s a delightful experience!
