



I started studying English when I was a junior high school student. At that time,  I couldn't find the reason why I have to study. so I could say I was a lazy student.


I enjoyed studying English at a private English school that I attended when I was in a high school.  I reckon I started being interested in learning English since then. Around the same time, I often listened  to Queen songs and Usher songs then I started yearning for lifestyle abroad and English.

その後F1にはまり、team radio を理解しようとしたり、Maclaren mercedesを応援していたともあり、イギリスに強い憧れを感じ始めました。おそらくただただイギリス英語の響きが好きだったのかもしれません。大学入学後すぐに英会話教室に通い始めました。シェーン英会話は月謝制であること、講師がネイティブが多いことを理由に選択しました。

Then I started being into Formula 1 after graduating a high school,  I wanted to understand what they talk with team radio. I had been rooting for Maclaren mercedes ,so I got interested in UK then. After entering a university I started to have english conversation classes.  I chose Shane English School because I could pay monthly and most of teachers are English native. 

シェーンのプログラムを利用し,大学の長期休みに3週間のステイホームとUnited International College Londonに通いました。

Using α program which Shane had ,  I have stayed  in London and have had classes at United International College London for 3 weeks during holiday.


I had never been to abroad before then, going to London by myself was quite a challenge for me but  I could say I gain  a lot  at the same time.  I liked the culture, people and atmosphere  there a lot.  Then I started hoping to stay there for longer period. I had TOEIC for the first time at that time.   I took  them 2 years  in row and scores are both 850s.


After having another short term studying abroad experience,  I had taken english conversation classes and enjoyed travelling abroad some time. I also had a couple of occasions to attend international conferences and gave some speech. These occasions gave me a lot of motivation. 


Due to this pandemic, I do not have any opportunities to  go on a trip abroad nor talk with friends who speak English, so I lost reasons to study it. During that time, I have got a offer from a company where English are spoken.


I have always  wanted to speak English when I work ,  so I reckon this would be great opportunity to motivate me study harder and having opportunities to speak english  would help me improving English. So i had a interview and a company gave me a job. 

Well , I might  have talked too much but , this is my background about English and I would love to give it a try.  I will become a fluent English speaker!
