
Studying the 5th most spoken language in the world; Arabic.

As I will be taking off to Dubai soon in September and staying there for at least a year, I decided to study Arabic, which is one of the growing languages paid great attention to. Here I am writing memo what I learnt today to summarize features of Arabic. 

Features of Arabic
1. Consist of 28 Letters
2. Largely Phonetic
3. Arabic sounds have counterparts in English
4. It can be divided to two types: ones have English counterparts and do not
5. Cursive Language: every letter in a word connects to the letter before or after There are four different positions to write: isolated, initial, medial and final.
6. Written right to left. 

Looks very complicated to begin with, but very interesting and fun language to learn! I will try to spend 30 minute everyday to prepare for life in Dubai to be able to at least introduce myself and speak basic words. 
