
tittle :Brahman and Brahmand(ブラフマンとブラフマンド)
ブラフマンはすべての経験であり、ブラフマンはその外見である。だから、ブラフマンを宇宙意識と考え、ブラフマンを宇宙と考える。もう一度、ブラフマンを宇宙意識として考え、ブラフマンを宇宙として考えてください。意識とコスモスは相補的なものですが、ブラフマンはすべての経験の主体です。だから、何かを物体と呼ぶ前に、時計、手、鼻、メガネ、本、彫像、絵画をそう呼ぶ前に、それは知覚活動なんだ。これは知覚活動なんだ。そして、それは人間の知覚活動なんだ。そして、それは人間の知覚活動なのです。物体、本、絵画、彫像などという言葉は、この場合、知覚である人間の知 識や経験の様式のための人間の構築物である。オブジェクトとは、人間の知覚のための人間の構成概念であり、オブジェクトが何であるかは問題ではない。岩かもしれない。他の生物かもしれない。惑星かもしれない。星かもしれない。動物かもしれない。それらは知覚された現象であり、この場合は人間が知覚した現象である。ですから、私たちが人間と呼んでいる生物と、それらの知覚は同時に生じなければなりません。そして、知覚される対象はどちらも感覚の組み合わせです。知覚される対象は感覚の組み合わせであり、この知覚者もまた感覚の組み合わせである。つまり、知覚されるものと知覚するものは、感覚の組み合わせなのだ。両者は一体であり、絡み合っている。両者は補完関係なのだ。では、知覚する側は意識しているのでしょうか?知覚される側は意識しているのか?そうです。この場合の知覚者は、私たちがディーパックと呼んでいる存在で、一定のアイデンティティーではないのです。これらの感覚はどこで起こっているかというと、あなたが自分自身を見るときの感覚だ。それは感覚だ。見ることは感覚だ。匂いも感覚だ。音は感覚だ。味覚は感覚です。触覚もそうだ。これらはどこで経験されるのか?明らかに、脳でも感覚器官でもなく、意識の中にある。そして、これらの感覚と絡み合っている感覚はどこで知覚されているのでしょうか?それらの感覚はすべて、同じ意識の中の断続的な感覚なのだ。つまり、知覚者としてのディーパックと、知覚されるものとしてのそれらすべての対象は、絡み合った感覚であり、意識の中で同時に発生し、共起する補完的な感覚なのだ。この場合、ディーパックと、私のスクリーンに映っている知覚された物体、そしてあなたもスクリーンに映っている物体、そしてあなた自身も映っている物体、これらすべてが非局所的な意識の中で体験されているのです。つまり、経験の主体は一つしかないということだ。その一つの体験の主体には、すべての知覚者が存在し、すべての知覚者が同時に現象を知覚する。そして、それを分解してみると、私たちが何者であるかをより深く理解することにつながるのでしょうか?では、それを分解してみよう。知覚とは、生物学的実体が環境とどのように相互作用するかの基本的な側面である。知覚には、我々が経験的知識と呼ぶものの基礎を形成する感覚刺激の認識と解釈が含まれる。岩石から技術機器、星、銀河に至るまで、知覚の対象は、私たちがそれを「物体」と呼ぶ前に、まず「知ること」「経験すること」の様式となる実体である。これらの物体は、知覚者と無関係に存在するのではない。いいですか?知覚者とは無関係に存在するのではない。そして、知覚者は知覚されたものから独立して存在するわけでもない。両者は同時に、意識のある場所で、沸騰したり収まったりしている断続的な感覚なのだ。つまり、意識とは、精神的プロセスと身体的プロセスの両方を包含する意識状態なのである。知覚者と世界が同時に経験されるのは、意識を通してである。そして、この意識は個々の経験に限定されるものではない。実際、アウェアネスは個々の経験をすべて含み、したがって普遍的である。それは非人格的である。ボーダーレスで無限である。そして、すべての経験の究極的な主体として機能する。知覚する者と知覚される対象はすべて、この気づきの中で同時に絡み合った感覚として捉えられる。それでは次に、ブラフマンとは何か、ブラフマンとは何かについて説明しよう。ブラフマンは、最高の普遍的な原理と宇宙の究極の現実を表しています ブラフマンは、真理の意識を具現化し、全宇宙の全世界で実現されている宇宙の原理として説明され、究極的には、それがすべての経験から独立しているので、それはまた、しばしばサットと呼ばれる至福だ。
all experience and Brahmand is the appearance that Brahman takes on. So think of Brahman as cosmic consciousness and think of Brahmand as cosmos. Once again think of Brahman as cosmic consciousness and think of Brahman as cosmos. Consciousness cosmos their complimentarities but Brahman is the subject of all experiences and I want to break this down in a way that I hope uh is understandable. So, So before you call something an object, before you call something an object, a watch, a hand, a nose, these glasses, that book or those books, that statue, that painting before you call it that, it's a perceptual activity. Okay? And And it's a human perceptual activity. That that that is a human perceptual activity. The word object, book, painting, statue, etc. are human constructs for human modes of knowing and experience which in this case are perceptions. conceptualized as those objects. Okay. So object is a human construct for a human perception and doesn't matter what the object is. It could be rocks. It could be other biological organisms. It could be planets. It could be stars. It could be um animals. Those are perceived phenomena and in this case they are human perceived phenomena. So the biological organism that we call human and those perceptions have to arise simultaneously. They coarise simultaneous. continously and subside and both the perceived object is a com are a combination of sensations. The perceived objects are combinations of sensations and this perceiver is also a combination of sensations. So the perceived and the perceiver are combinations of sensations. They go together they're entangled. They are complimentarities. So is the perceiver awareness? Is the perceived awareness? Yes, they are combinations of sensations. The perceiver in this case this entity that we call deep chopra which is not a constant identity you know it's it's a kind of an activity I mentioned this many times this activity the buck starts with its existence as a fertilized egg and then zygote and embryo and baby toddler teenager all the way to dusty death this is an activity of intermittent sensations that is entangled with that activity which is also sensations. Where are these sensations occurring is the sensation of you as you'll see yourself. That's a sensation. Seeing is a sensation. Smelling is a sensation. Sound is a sensation. Taste is a sensation. And you know, tactile sensations Where are these being experienced? Obviously, not in the brain, not in the sensory apparatus, but in awareness. And where are the sensations that are entangled with these sensations being perceived? All those sensations, those are also intermittent sensations in the same awareness. So, So Deepak as the perceiver and all those objects as the perceived are entangled sensations, complimentary sensations um that simultaneously arise and coarise in awareness. That awareness is experiencing itself as the perceiver that is called In this case, Deepak and the perceived objects that you see on my screen and you screen them too and you see yourself too and all that is being experienced in awareness which is non-local. Okay. So there's only one subject of experience. In that one subject of experience exist all perceivers and all perceive phenomena simultaneously. And if you break it down, does it lead to any deeper understanding of who we are? So, let's break it down. Perception is a fundamental aspect of how biological entities interact with their environment. Perception involves the recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli which form the basis of what we call empirical knowledge. Objects of perception ranging from rocks to technological instruments to stars to galaxies are entities that are first modes of knowing and experience before we call them objects. These objects do not exist in independently of perceivers. Okay? They do not exist independently of perceivers. And the perceiver doesn't exist independently of the perceived. They're both simultaneously coaring and subsiding intermittent sensations in where in awareness. So awareness is a state of being conscious encompassing both mental and physical processes. It is through awareness that perceivers and the world are simultaneously experienced. And this awareness is not confined to individual experiences. In fact, in includes all individual experiences and is therefore universal. It's impersonal. It is borderless and infinite. And it serves as the ultimate subject of all experience. All perceive perceivers and perceived objects are seen as simultaneously entangled sensations within this awareness. So now let's go to what is Brahman and what is Brahmand. So Brahman represents the highest universal principle and the ultimate reality of The universe Brahman is described as the cosmic principle that is realized in the whole world in the whole universe embodying truth consciousness and ultimately because it's independent of all its experiences it's also bliss frequently referred to as sat chittananda it is the singular subject of all knowers all modes of knowing and all phenomen that are known. So Brahman is both the universal subject and the multiverse of all perceived phenomena. Brahman the subject of all experience and Brahmand all that can be experienced. So what about animals and plants and well they are also perceivers in that one universal consciousness. So the interconnectedness and its nature of perception and awareness posits that all perceivers and perceived objects are entangled within a singular borderless awareness. This awareness is Brahman. It's the ultimate subject. of all experience encompassing all modes of knowing and all phenomena. It highlights the complimentary and co-arising nature of perceiving entities and perceived objects. And this is the real matrix. Okay, this is the real matrix. Brahman is the matrix of all existence. And Brahmand is also all forms of existence, all perceivers and all perceived. So who are you? Are you the perceiver or the perceived? Are you the perceiver or the perceived? Are you the awareness or are you the awareness in which perceiver and and perceived core arise that awareness is Brahman. The undifferentiated self. This so-called differentiated self is one tributary of the unifferentiated self. And in the deeper reality, you are the undifferiated self. Just like a drop in the ocean is the ocean in the drop. That's of course from Roomie. Why is this important? Well, it's important because we want to know truth. We don't want to know models of truth. You know, um the human body mind is a model as it's an instrument of observation and that's why we call it in a way a perceiver. But it's not the perceiver. It is the perceived as is all the objects. Ours are all the objects. They're also perceived. They're all perceived within the one universal consciousness. And we are that. Now, this has been expressed many ways in simple uh what do you call uh simple sutras. or apherisms or mantras. I'm braasi I'm the universe satan eternal truth eternal consciousness eternal blissi I am that you are that all this is that that alone is so who are you you are both brahman and brahand and that is not subject to birth and death. Let me know what you think. Okay? I'm glad to hear your feedback, if this is useful. And also, as I've mentioned before, we can continue this conversation on digital deep.ai and I'll respond to you in English with my voice. Thank you friends. And remember, digital dharma is available for you to use. as a guide to explore multiple language models which will enhance your information and knowledge of um reality but the wisdom can only come from within you from consciousness. Thank you.