Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D./mRNAワクチンDNA汚染問題に関するTweet
Plasmid DNA copy number quantification. protocols, reagents, and a thread of new results.
— Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D. (@P_J_Buckhaults) April 22, 2024
絶対に勘違いしてはいけない事がある。それは、このPhillip Buckhaults先生は「mRNAワクチン」という技術(プラットフォーム)が、大好きな科学者だってこと。そこを勘違いしてはいけない。彼は、根本的にはmRNAワクチン「推進派」である。日本の荒川央先生や、村上康文先生とは「根本的な思想」が、180度違うってことを、みなさんどうか忘れないように。
Phillip Buckhaults博士が、mRNA COVIDワクチンに検出されたDNA汚染について上院で証言
— tonakai (@tonakai79780674) September 18, 2023
翻訳レビューは最小限です。 https://t.co/NTjAqWSJCw pic.twitter.com/8WFfISpEBo
— tonakai (@tonakai79780674) September 22, 2023
Phillip Buckhaults博士が、mRNA COVIDワクチンに検出されたDNA汚染についてSC州上院で証言
なぜ、バックホルツ博士が白衣で来ているのか、なぜ、こういうことが言える立場なのかがわかります。 https://t.co/EOsnflDU6d pic.twitter.com/DNJaqC3T99
Phillip Buckhaults教授がサウスカロライナ州の上院公聴会で証言:
— ShortShort News (@ShortShort_News) September 18, 2023
「ファイザーのワクチンには約2000億個のDNAが混入しており、心臓突然死などの深刻な副作用を引き起こす可能性がある。このDNAはワクチンがトランスフェクションを引き起こした細胞の遺伝子に永久的に組み込まれるおそれがある」 https://t.co/rtLjNKyiJx pic.twitter.com/XqE1ynUwtN
Chief Nerd 氏
— hinsuke(void) (@hinsuke) November 9, 2023
「つまりモデルナは、プラスミド DNA が細胞に入り込むことによる発がんリスクを強調し、その代わりに純粋な mRNA を使用するつもりだと言っていたのに、後になってmRNAにプラスミド DNA が混入していることが判明したということ?
バックホルツ氏… https://t.co/s5J46sdn1E pic.twitter.com/l4xyRC3qyk
これはモデルナの特許の出願書類。DNAを細胞に導入すると少数の細胞が抗原を産生して防御的な免疫反応を誘導するものの問題が起きる。ゲノムへの挿入変異によって発がん遺伝子が活性化されたりがん抑制遺伝子が不活化される可能性がある。要はDNAが入ったらダメだろⅿRNA凄いだろって内容です。 https://t.co/C39IP40W5u pic.twitter.com/1zRg3xlSBI
— 自粛マスク蛋白マン (@1A48wvlkQc6mVdR) November 9, 2023
— hinsuke(void) (@hinsuke) November 9, 2023
マローン氏… pic.twitter.com/1pLcMtp18c
— hinsuke(void) (@hinsuke) November 9, 2023
Are you certain about 200 billion pieces in each "shot"? of DNA contamination at an average base pair length of around 100-120 (based on your presentation--I calculated zeta and am horrified)
— Christie Laura Grace (@_HeartofGrace_) November 17, 2023
それぞれの「ショット」に 2000 億個の DNA が含まれていると確信していますか? 平均塩基対長が約 100 ~ 120 の DNA 汚染です (あなたのプレゼンテーションに基づくと、ゼータを計算しましたが、恐ろしいです)
— ヒト (@GVdFrnRWbN18944) October 24, 2023
「恐れる必要はない」は、単なる方便と見るべきでしょうね。https://t.co/Ix1DeJuvSe pic.twitter.com/Qpx3HkCGcy
You are morally ignoring the tragedy the majority will have to face in the future.
— Patent SUN (@Patent_SUN) January 10, 2024
Billions of people have already vaccinated without knowing about the DNA contamination.
How and what kind of face will you officially inform them of the fact of the DNA contamination and its…
— 跡地 (@overlookhotel) October 19, 2023
EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) October 19, 2023
"Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. There is debate among… pic.twitter.com/AM3f2LOndU
EXCLUSIVE: Health Canada Confirms Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot "Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed. There is debate among scientists with regards to the significance of the finding, with some saying it has the potential to cause cancer, and others saying it poses little to no threat. "Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission," the agency said in an email to The Epoch Times. "Although the full DNA sequence of the Pfizer plasmid was provided at the time of initial filing, the sponsor did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence." The regulator said that after scientists Kevin McKernan and Dr. Phillip J. Buckhaults publicly raised the presence of SV40 enhancers in the vaccines earlier this year, “it was possible for Health Canada to confirm the presence of the enhancer based on the plasmid DNA sequence submitted by Pfizer against the published SV40 enhancer sequence." Both scientists have made waves after discovering plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 injections, warning it could potentially alter the human genome. However, the two share different degrees of concern about the significance of an SV40 sequence—which is used as an enhancer to drive gene transcription during the vaccine manufacturing process—being present in the shots. Mr. McKernan, a former researcher and team leader for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Human Genome Project, told The Epoch Times he suspects Pfizer didn’t disclose the presence of the DNA sequence due to the association of SV40 with polio vaccines. He said while there is no evidence the sequence is carcinogenic, he has concerns about its integration into the human genome. The polyomavirus Simian Virus 40, an oncogenic DNA virus, was previously removed from polio vaccines due to concerns about a link to cancers. Polio vaccines used in the late 1950s and early 1960s were found to be contaminated with SV40 as the virus was present in monkey kidney cells that were used to grow the vaccine. Mr. McKernan said while the full 5kb SV40 virus was present in the polio vaccines, the presence of SV40 promoters was still concerning due to the risk of them integrating into the human genomes near oncogenes, which are genes that have the potential to cause cancer Angus Dalgleish, professor of oncology at St. George's Hospital Medical School in London, recently wrote in The Conservative Woman about a higher incidence of cancers following COVID-19 vaccination seen by himself and his colleagues, including an “epidemic of explosive cancers” with multiple metastatic spread. He noted the potential “DNA plasmid and SV40 integration in promoting cancer development.” Dr. Lindsay questioned why Pfizer failed to disclose the SV40 promoter to regulators like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency, and Health Canada. "They hid them. So it's not just the fact that they're there, it's the fact that they were purposefully hidden from the regulators," she said. Pfizer did not respond to The Epoch Times' request for comment."
両科学者は、mRNA COVID-19注射剤にプラスミドDNAが含まれていることを発見し、ヒトゲノムを改変する可能性があると警告して騒動を巻き起こした。しかし、ワクチン製造プロセス中に遺伝子転写を促進するエンハンサーとして使用されるSV40配列が注射剤に含まれていることの重要性について、両氏は異なる程度の懸念を抱いている。
ロンドンのセントジョージ病院医学部の腫瘍学教授であるアンガス・ダルグリッシュ氏は最近、The Conservative Woman誌に、自身と同僚が経験したCOVID-19ワクチン接種後のがん発生率の上昇について書いた。これには、複数の転移を伴う「爆発的ながんの流行」も含まれている。
カナダのケベック・シティにあるラヴァル大学は、子供向け新型コロナワクチンの安全性と必要性に、公に疑問を呈したとして、RNA分野の第一人者である、パトリック・プロボスト教授を解雇した。… pic.twitter.com/wU0WkRBSTa
— K.B.Y (@KBY941758854954) May 11, 2024
ゲノミクス専門家ケビン・マッカーナン マサチューセッツ州議会でmRNA COVIDワクチンに検出されたDNA汚染について証言 動画出典元@TheChiefNerdhttps://t.co/8GUvy2z0EZ #Odysee @OdyseeTeamより
— 苦労人の改 (@5rHxIhQGQnnRSOe) January 24, 2024
SV40は、コロナワクチンに含まれているとして、今、東京理科大の村上康文教授が警告してる。DNAに入り込んで、世代を超えてガンを誘発するということか?人口削減計画やな。 https://t.co/2SQkK5aTaQ pic.twitter.com/blDuYYGyBA
— かとし 5D (@jazzvibes00889) May 3, 2023