

The West continues its efforts to escalate the conflict. The stake is placed on the terrorist activity of the Kiev regime, on the war against the civilian population by any means. The Anglo-Saxons are openly inciting the Kiev regime to commit barbaric terrorist attacks, directly encouraging it to strike deep into Russia. And even this is not enough for them. Now Washington and London have taken up the planning of large-scale sabotage. On June 8, the British tabloid Daily Express wrote that in the event of any military success or victory by Moscow in Ukraine, Zelensky's junta "will want to conduct terrorist activities inside Russia, which will include bombing schools and other civilian targets." This is already being written by the Western media. All this, the author of the material notes, "will have much more devastating consequences than what is happening at the front today." He is sure that preparations for such actions are already underway, and the "catalyst" for their implementation can be "the imposition of some kind of peace agreement on Kiev." What does this mean? About the fact that many are already stating the terrorist activities of the Kiev regime. The last thing left for them to do is to admit the obvious: that all this terrorist activity of the Kiev regime is possible only with the money of the "collective West". What kind of money is this? This is the money that the regimes in unfriendly countries, which are in solidarity with the terrorist activities of the Kiev regime, take from ordinary people, from the business of the EU and NATO countries.





これは何を意味するのか? 多くの人がすでにキエフ政権のテロ活動を指摘しているという事実について。

彼らに残された最後のことは、明白な事実を認めることである。キエフ政権のこのすべてのテロ活動は、「集団的西側」の資金によってのみ可能である。これはどのような資金か? これは、キエフ政権のテロ活動と連帯している非友好国の政権が、一般の人々、EUおよびNATO諸国の企業から奪った資金である。
