子供2人の合同バースデーパーティの詳細と金額まとめinバンガロール/The details and the amounts of my kids' birthday party together at Funky Monkeys
Because my kids' birthdays are close together, we celebrated them together in one party. Now here's India, indeed. There were lots of matters to talk, so I write down the details with my evaluation.
子供の前提/About my children
2 kids/Turning in 4 and 1.
私の前提/About me
I’m a typical Japanese who’s caring about small details. Though I haven't learnt design but love it so I'm particular about it. My husband works in India and I often see many scenes of delays of due date, delivery of materials are far from his directions, so I wasn't surprised with this party, but got irritated.
会場/Venue/総額/Total amount: 80,060Rs
★My Rating: 4/10
As I described later, the several problems downgraded my evaluation, but I value most the facility itself, which helps to kill time at a party for not only children but also adults.
Funky Monkeys Play Center, Level 4, 1 MG Lido Mall
Adults: 33, Children: 31. 64 in total.
We thought "Mini" is better at first, but chosen "Ultimate" as the estimated number of our guests will be more than 50 and it may be kinda weird atmosphere without reserved, private area.
The pics are about the party plans and the menu of buffet and drink etc, and the contents are not MECE at all, and even though I sent questions but the coordinator replied me unclear messages, so eventually we drove to 1MG to clear my questions.
料金体系/Fee structure
・入場料/Entrans fee
As to "Ultimate" plan, 50,000Rs (Sat, Sun, Holidays) only no matter how many people come.
・ビュッフェ料(別)/Buffet fee(not including 50,000Rs)
There's no descriptions at all on the party plan documents; the extra fee for buffet is 350Rs/child, 450Rs/adult.
We can choose 2 starters(the left side) and 3 mains (the right side).
"1 starters to be added will be 80 and main course will be 100/- per plate" they said.
Bisleri water bottle and juice with small cup are for free, and the other drinks on the menu are on a chargeable basis. We told Funky Monkeys to charge us the fee.
By the way the system of "Mini" is complicated. The following is the texts from the coordinator.
(1) 子供1人につき2人までの大人がプレイエリアに同伴可能で、3人目からの大人はプレイエリアには入れない。ごった返すと危険だからか。
(2) 子供1人につき2人の大人は無料だが3人目からは150Rsかかる。
(3) 大人は子連れでなければ無料。
なお、Funky Monkeysとの事前打ち合わせ時には「大人27、子供24で計51名でもってディスカウントします!当日この設定以上に増える場合は人数の分、ビュッフェの子供1人につき350Rs/人、大人450Rs/人が追加で請求となる」と言われたが、当日も誰もカウントしてなかった。腕に参加者に紙のリストバンドさせるわけでもなし。
Why then, when we talked with the coordinator, they discounted the fee on the assumption that 27 adults and 24 children. If the numbers will increase, we have to pay according to the number. Then nobody, nobody counted the visitors on that very day. Of course there's no paper wrist band.
当日のレシート/The receipt of the day
疑惑の別途請求のドリンク・フード代金/The suspicious bill of drinks & food
As the descriptions on the receipt, there were lots of drinks and foods on the bill. Can 33 adults drink diet coke 18, coke 14, cappuccino 24 + other drinks? "Cake pop 35" means every child ate 1 cake pop including babies. I claimed the numbers was weird, but the coordinator said they counted the stock even inside of the kitchen, and this is correct. Hum, I'm still suspecting to be ripped off.
★My Rating: 1/10
質問の回答が遅い・急かされないと回答がない・あるいは無回答。質問に対する答えが返ってこない。当日もスタッフへの説明をしきらないまま遅刻して参加。どちらのプランにするか決めきれなかったので1000Rs払って枠だけ抑えてもらうも、コーディネーターは勝手にmini planだと思い込み、後にUltimateにする旨連絡すると「変更するのかい?」とレスがあったり等々。
I felt she's slow in comprehension and lack a sense of responsibility.
She replies late, no answers without giving a kick in the back or no responses, and missing my points. She came late without having explanations to her staffs on the day.
She had wrong assumption that we'll have "Mini" plan and told us "Will you change to Ultimate plan?"…etc.
★My Rating: 2/10
I described the direction and confirmed 3 times to the coordinator, but in the end they hadn't finished the decorations 15min prior of the beginning of the party(as is often the case with India, right? If so, that's ok.), the design was wholly different as I directed. I feel the left edge of the ballon decor not beautiful, with leftover balloons. Cringe.
音楽/Sound facilities
★My Rating: 1/10
I selected the songs with Spotify and sent three links for main, blowing candles and closing. However, the coordinator told the staff nothing at all, or rather she hasn't arrived yet, so I explained by myself.
Then the audio began clipping halfway, so they couldn't tell the children to gather together with the microphone. The parents there helped me to gather children. The sound of happy birthday also had crackly sound.
★My Rating: 1/10
I told the coordinator "I come here sometimes and find no toilet paper often in the toilet, so prepare them." and she said yes, and end up without toilet paper, nor cleaning toilet at all. I expected this situation, so brought toilet paper rolls, hand paper, garbage bags(there's no trash can in the male toilet), toilet cleaner for female toilet. Some say "No clean toilet in a restaurant, no repeat,", and that idea may lose every restaurant to go except in Japan.
会場の掃除/Cleanup of the venue
★My Rating: 3/10
数ヶ月前のGoogle mapの口コミで「ネズミの糞を発見。」という★☆☆☆☆の口コミがあり、WhatsAppでコーディネーターに指摘するも無反応。で現場に話しに言った際にも言及すると、「キッチンから入ってきてたからペストコントロールをしたし、少し配置変えもしてきれいになった。」とのことでそれは改善ではあるが、やはり掃除の足りなさは言わずもがなで、使ってない荷物の収納スペースや遊具の下の埃など気になる。子供向け施設だからね。きれいにしてもし過ぎることはないと思うが。
There's a word of mouth "I found mice droppings in several places at this facility" with ★☆☆☆☆ on Google map in a few months ago, so I pointed it out to the coordinator but no response. Then I mentioned when we went out to there, they said "Mouses were from the kitchen and we've done pest control already, we've changed the layout cleaning the floor.". That's ok, but still the area needs to be cleaned neatly, I suppose. People can't be too neat about cleaning.
★My Rating: 8/10
比較的楽しそうにしていたり、クッキーを開ける手伝いをしてくれたりして印象は良い。Value for moneyを気にしがちなのがインド人顧客であるならば、現場トップが変わればスタッフも気が利く動き方をしてもっと評価される場所になると思うけどどうかしら。
Positive impression. I felt them enjoying the party themselves, too, and helped me to open cookies covered with plastic bags two each.
貸切パーティーがあると知らずに訪れる子供たち/Outsiders also came without knowing we were having a private party
★My Rating: 1/10
Funky Monkeys doesn't announce about private parties on SNS. I saw more than 6 families who didn't know we had a party on the day, and they didn't have any choice but to return back. How about feelings of kids who hardly wait to play there? You can imagine what parents have to do: immediately find another place to stay. What to do for Funky Monkeys is only to make a twitter account and tweet, and put up a notice there, that's all. Quite simple.
1MGはOrion mallと違って狭めなので130人までのキャパとか書いてるが無理があると思う。諸々主催者含め70人規模でパーティーをした限りでは、パーティーエリアが狭いので90人くらいがいい感じの限界じゃないかと思う。
The area of 1MG's is smaller than Orion mall's, so I suppose 130 pax may be over capacity. It'll be up to about 90, I felt.
・ポップコーンベンダー/Popcorn vendor
Outside food is not allowedだが、呼んでOKと言われた。パーティーエリアでは何をしてもらってもOKという感じがする。
They allow us to bring a popcorn vendor, too. It's indeed food, though.
・ケーキ持ち込み/To bring cakes
OK, or rather, no providing.
・飾り付け/To bring decorations
・プランの決定/About the plan "Ultimate" or "Mini"
You have to tell coordinator if you have "Ultimate" at least 1 week prior to your party.
・Admin部門/Admin department
In fact we told to email admin about the party date or so, but there was no response from admin email address.
Lavonneのケーキ+アイシングクッキー/A Cake from Lavonne Cafe+Icing cookies/総額/Total amount: 15,697 Rs
★My Rating: 7/10
オーダー方法/How to order
JOONIE TANさんというパティシエと直接WhatsAppでやり取りを行う。過去作品を見つつ私でPPTXを作成した。受け取りまで2週間を切っていたが間に合った。
To contact with JOONIE TAN directly via WhatsApp. I organized a direction with PPTX looking at her Instagram. It was in time to order less than 2 weeks to pick up.
デザインと大きさ次第だが、私のデザインでは2kg/7" diaだと7,700Rs+GST5%だった。ちなみに1.5 kg/5" diaで6,400Rs+GST5%。
It's up to design and size; in my case, 7,700Rs+GST5% for 2kg/7" dia. FYI 6,400Rs+GST5% for 1.5 kg/5" dia. Cookies are 7,250Rs+GST5%.
To choose from the following options.
受け取り方法/How to pick up
To pick up at Lavonne in Domlur on the day of the party from at 10am.
所感/My personal comments
・見た目とデザイン/Looking and design
Mine was based on her past design, so I'm so satisfied.
However, I've ever been to Germany but didn't eat authentic marzipan, and I felt this marzipan too not tasty. Regarding the sponge, this isn't fluffy. I love fluffy one and wonder why this isn’t. Maybe because of flour and how to bake. It's good in terms of less sweetness. The pineapple chunks is quite nice.
I hope the texture would be fluffy!
Regarding the cookies, the purple and the pink were different from the colors I designated on my document. That fine balance was indeed important. I've ordered icing cookies to another shop in Japan and the patissier did accurate color reproduction from my document (I did the same way!); this is a disappointing thing.
Xanaduのタルト/A Tart from Xanadu/総額/Total amount: 3,200Rs
★My Rating: 9/10
I rate Xanadu as No.1 apple pie, so I ordered a lemon curd tart with fruits. Indeed it was so tasty as I anticipated. I know kids want character-decorated cakes, but they are often not so tasty. I want them to know real, delicious food. The shop owner was too busy to response quickly this time, I reduce one star.
バルーンアーティストとペイントアーティスト/A ballon artist(2,500Rs) & a painting artist(2,800Rs)
★My Rating: 10/10
I don't know much about the skills for balloon modeling and painting, but it's ok. They were relatively punctual.
チョークボード/Chalk Board/1,000Rs
★My Rating: 1/10
Chalk boardはチョークで黒板にボードを描くというサービスで、上記バルーン等と同じくbookmyballoonsでオーダーしたのだが、サイトの画像と違って黒板でなくて印刷したボードだった。事前に私が作成したPPTXでもって「Then you’ll apply this into a chalkboard, right?」って聞いたら「Yes」って言ったのにに。黒板の良さってあるからオーダーしたのに。光の加減によっては反射して見にくくなるからね。またやり取りにおいても、英語というより国語力不足を感じた。
The Chalk board service was actually not on chalk board, but printed on a panel…the texture of blackboard is good, right? The not-chalkboard reflects sunlight and not good for shooting pics.
That's all.
I had a gripe against several matters, but it was a success as the kids were having a great fuss. I flatter myself that I put small pieces of cookies around the cakes. It's a quite nice and lovely idea for small kids. I noticed they sneaked cookies when I looked at pics. That’s so cute.