“Still Alice”感想
📕What I learned from "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova
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What I learned from "Still Alice"
1 Alzheimer is hereditary. Not only you but your children would inherit the disease.
2 Initially, it's too hard to admit you have the disease, and you need courage to confess the fact to your family. It looks tough especially for an intelligent person like Alice, who is confident in herself, being a professor of Harvard, a mother of three children, seemingly has a perfect life.
3 I was amazed how fast the disease takes over her. She forgets things, something trivial such as where she put her cellphone, or the names of her acquaintances. As time passes by, she's not able to remember the name of her own daughter. It's so tragic.
4 Alice decides to establish a gathering of patients with early-onset dementia. I thought it a good idea that patients can share their difficulties and experiences, chatting over coffee.
5 Last but not least, the cordial support by family and friends is essential to get along with this incurable disease. Even though Alice is losing her memories, she is still loved and cared as the title indicates, and she should be.
I learned a lot from this book, sometimes imagining the possibilities that could happen to us and get prepared for them.
📕小説"Still Alice”から学んだこと
4 アリスは、初期段階のアルツハイマー患者だけでサークル活動を設立することを思いつく。医者や家族だけでなく、同じ症状を分かち合える患者同士で、コーヒーを飲みながら気軽におしゃべりを楽しめる場所を作るのは、とても良いアイディアだと思う。
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